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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Flight Simulator.
  2. Please watch what you say.
  3. Okay so i'm thinking about making a website. OMG RIGHT. IMA leave ibm?? haha no. It has nothing to do with halo 3. I was thinking about re-opening pixl-studios with LaxMonster. Im going to be paying for a domain and hosting. Maybe make some money off ads. So... How exaclty do i make money off ads? I know you sign up for lets say... Google adsense. But how do i recive the money? Is it smart to open a paypal when im only 16? Ps. Going to need moderators, and I trust you guys most. Just shed some light here guys.
  4. Lol just ignore the younger members Cody. They don't know anything. As for the advice. Thanks man. Gotta girl already though.
  5. Montage didn't have any amazing skill. Still he's alright. Keep on going man. The video editing was OK. Nice song lol.
  6. Took me zero clicks. Beeeeet that.
  7. Blend it more, And it's boring. I like the colors though!
  8. Me like. However you lack creativity. hahaha jk man.
  9. Wow. Am i stupid? It seems im the only one who doesn't know how to do this. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/style_emoticons/default/(.gif
  10. Let's try to stay on track please. I like what i hear, the old xbox is beast, and i love it. I know how annoying dead links can be.
  11. Curtis

    Toyota Supras

    okay lol i'll change that.
  12. Curtis

    Toyota Supras

    What do you guys think of them? They are one of my dream cars. And for people that have no knowledge of them... They come No turbo, Turbo, and twin turbo, MK2, 3 and 4. I'm looking at getting an 89 supra. Good deal?: http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-ViewAd?AdId=81432802 My friend has an 88 supra. WOW is it nice. Here some videos (try not to s*** yourself) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmNy-ajRV0U&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM1sGPwVSrU...feature=related
  13. Exactly my point. And don't tell me to stfu! I'm trying to keep this forum in line. Hence my job. (Mod) One more disrespectful word out of you and im disabling your privilege to use this board. Until peaches sees this i'm locking it. Good lesson for some to learn here.
  14. Well seriously, Anarchy likes Obama but he get's yelled at for it? Christ this American Election has gone wayyyy to far. I'm not locking the topic. Only banning. Hint: Watch it.
  15. You better learn to shut your $%#^%# mouth kid. This is Anarchy! We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. Stfu and .Eli better not touch him.
  16. Wow. I miss the good times, when our site was based on halo. Old ibm forever... (no hard feelings or anything lol)
  17. I can help. Just putting that out there.
  18. Omgz look at me im soooo great! Make me modzerastors! That is not how you gain a spot on the team lol. I've been here since the very start, (when adding a map to mainmenu was one of the first tuts lol). Just putting that out there.
  19. .Eil for Global, Smokie for Admin. And what is the new ibm?
  20. LMAO! I was the only one who gave you some good information.
  21. Okay man do you always have to take everything public? Lol anyways. I don't like fords. Sorry. I've worked on em, and they are annoying. When you buy food, one brand is always gonna be cheaper, but it's gonna be lower quality. YOU yourself subs told me that you get what you buy. Gas Millage- Doesn't add up. I own a ford. My parents own three. Almost all my family will tell you that a chevy is better overall. Ask a mechanic like Jeff. He knows. LIKE OMFG IT ISN"T MATH. GM is making amazing fuel economy vehicles. They make a car that doesn't use any gasoline. They also won green car of the year with their SUV. WOW! That's Pretty Damn Sweet. Ima have my opinion. Sorry. I'll add more later when i got time. ttyl. This argument shouldn't of started like wow! You asked why i hated them so much and i told you. How did it go from Toyota Supra to ford anyways lol. Cut me some slack here man, i'm the one who's drove them and worked on them. I would know before you don't you think? Perfect example: My dad bought a half ton diesel chevy in 94, its a 92. We got an 02 ford 2 years ago. The ford has 300, 000K and the chevy has 560, 000 km. We've put more money into the ford already. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-piEjJMOEDs watch that for fun lol.
  22. Lol what files were they? And wow that sucks. But fattys new hosting rocks.
  23. haha what a $%#^%# joke. find something better to do with your time instead of wasting our time.
  24. Lol you take all the time you want Smokie, You've done so much for the site.
  25. Curtis

    Your dead

    Whoa man. Can i get a story? Please don't be mad. How can we solve this man?
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