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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. How did you manage to steal recon accounts??
  2. $%#^%# EPIC, haha i love it. You should link me to reason. How many years have you been playing guitar.
  3. haha okay than. I'm downloading a Gen right now.
  4. He found a RS Generator! zMOG who doesn't have one. I had 12 accounts at one time. I'll give them free, if i can get some. Im tired of people trying to make money off members.
  5. Agreed, it's really not that hard.
  6. WOW! I love your videos. When are you going to show me some glitches online?
  7. Coming from the guy who just double posted. Haha no hard feelings, sometimes i think you and some other members can spam too.
  8. Bumping leads to spam, and spam leads to bumping. I think the rules are fine though.
  9. I'll watch for those members.
  10. Add me, but im usually busy with my girlfriend on friday. And i only play halo 3. Accounts: DeathGrip x17x Omg iTz Curtis ez3ro KamikazyK1LL4 I think thats all.
  11. Curtis

    Halo Pc Modz

    Wrong section bro. Moved.
  12. Curtis

    Read This.

    http://www.cmsystem-guide.com/cmsguide/members/cn/page1.html Believe me it works, i tested it in free mode. Please leave feedback here.
  13. Very simple... But i love it!
  14. I see. Future shop is selling a 1 GB Video card for like 89$ i think. On sale.
  15. I am cool. You were the one i gave Spore code?
  16. We have an arcade? Where is it?
  17. When were both online i'll show you it.
  18. Everyone is sooo helpful!!! Okay sounds like something that happened to me a while back. Try unplugging your router, then plugging it back in. What kind of router is it? If you can try and re-set it to factory default. If you have no such luck try plugging your chord directly into your Ethernet card and not through your router. I recommend Network Magic if you still have trouble. Download here. Good luck.
  19. Where and what is a keyvault?
  20. I know a glitch you can film, if you haven't already.
  21. Steven has been nothing but help at this moment, Im speaking with him right now. Sorry about the previous post.
  22. WHAT THE @#%$! I did change my god damn password, OMFG im sick of this. This is like the third time, like where did this come from?
  23. lol This account is banned now lol add this account to the list
  24. Funny how DarkSlip made a rule about this, in this post, and he's selling it. Lol what is a kv.bin?
  25. Can we not stay on topic? Please stay on topic.
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