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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. all 1 big lie, if u R think hard it are not make sense.
  2. I did a fine job, and i have nothing to say to you. Anyways as staff members most of us do not want this section, if you guys really wanted to you could start debated in "off-topic" and label them [Debate] or something... I have never seen a debate section on a forum, i personally do not like the idea. Go outside and play.
  3. Debate forum= No, we went over this before. As staff they'll decide on VIP members, your just trying to start a flame war with T3A.
  4. DeathGrip x17x Omg iTz Curtis Cant remember the rest lol
  5. not my prom, grade 12's prom. Im grade 11. in Canada its called grad lol
  6. I do not, we are/were a halo forum. other sites are made for programming.
  7. srry, waiting for all this **** to finish. ill leave
  8. i don't see why everyone needs to say they're leaving for like a week, some of our staff only comes on once a week...
  9. cats
  10. Curtis


    Mustang=fail. Decent work on the image though.
  11. I made a post he didn't agree with, about DSS.
  12. Lol there was no problem, i was at the school, IE only.
  13. i was, first username i cant remember, then deathgrip_17 3 years i was here. spent alot of time here. i remember sitting in the chat box for hours helping kids with h2 modding, wow i miss old ibm
  14. Curtis


    lol get a job man, your being a bum over the internet.
  15. yeah im not retarded, this remind me of abcz ant. btw make up and the whole emo look is not attractive. honestly shes ugly
  16. Just odd, not to mention that picture is photoshoped lol. i'd like to see more proof.
  17. srry dewd me no like this 1. too messy
  18. wtf, a chick?
  19. Haha sorry bra, i just told fatal error to serve well cause were like best buds, but the same goes for you. I trust you both.
  20. Okay im just gonna say it, think it has anything to do with DSS? Half the reason im leaving.
  21. Perfect explanation, lol thanks
  22. Lol you guys make me feel worse, for my sake can't you celebrate my time being here?
  23. Went to sleep at 3am, on 5 hours sleep wake up in 3 hours (6am) then go to work find out my gf is busy tonight. But last night was amazing.
  24. nielsss SUP BRO?
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