No, I said he was an idiot because he is. Have you ever held a conversation with him or any of the people he surrounds himself with? There is a distinct lack of intelligence. Still only a few people can do this, and yes he was stupid to pay for it because all it ended up with was him being banned in the first place. Unless you're saying him paying for a ban is suddenly smart?
Supermodder figured out raw, things like models, bitmaps, tag transferring, etc can be done now. It's just a matter of people making the actual work on those, but one of the harder parts is finished.
I remember back in those days. Although now that Halo 3 raw has been figured out some of those things might be possible again. Of course, only in videos like that unless someone releases unsigned code means pre-update.
hmm.... its been a year since someone said this would get leaked. Since someone said another person or themselves would figure it out. Also slipstream, that statement could be applied to anything we've ever done. -.-. Also, PT is an idiot. He paid one of the earlier people to do it for a certain amount of money per change.
Tell that bitch eat a dick. JK Never heard of it, although she could probably set it up via the company. Text from an alternate service like email gateways? That way she cant intercept them in the event the company allows such monitoring.
According to the game's TOS, the purchasing of points he did was against the rules. Also, the TOS clearly encourages players to avoid exactly what had happened here. The kid did something stupid, but the trickster shouldn't have done what he did morally. The news most definitely had better things to concern themselves with in this world. Slip's accusations are highly contradictory to his previous actions, and as such many people probably won't subscribe to them. As far as their merits, I'd agree that what was done was wrong, but at the end of the day the entire purpose of a joke is to bring a little happiness for a moment. Just my thoughts.
I wonder if anyone is going to give another KV out with this lol... Also this opens possibility for an offline leak of the update. I remember NXE consoles were going for as much as a dev a few months in advance of release.
Make sure you isolate the cause to that medicine, else your parents might take video games away as they can cause a certain type of seizure. IF thats what caused it, that sucks. :/
There's a part of the TOS that says they reserve the right to terminate the service at any time for any or no reason, effectively meaning they can do whatever the **** they want.
Im wondering whether or not any harm could come from releasing a list of commands for modding Nazi Zombies. I mean, people could cheat the leaderboards, but glitches have already gotten people to round 3000 so I dont think itd be too bad.