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Everything posted by TheEazyB

  1. TheEazyB

    My Devs

    I wonder if there was ever any truth to the story that some game devs used to create these homemade debugs as it was cheaper then buying em from MS officially, while keeping one or two around as an excuse for support.
  2. TheEazyB

    My Devs

    Did you add RAM so they have the functionality? Really the only significant difference was 128mb RAM and dashboards, drop ram and dash in a retail and its perfect replacement.
  3. Contradiction much?
  4. You'd be a really insecure girl based on that post.
  5. Roots reggae, dancehall, hip hop i guess you could say im audiophile, i always get lossless or highest available quality.
  6. Its the exact same whether you're using rth or not....
  7. well someone has a favorite website. lol
  8. well, peaches' comment goes with the assumption that your body is strong and it has jumped 11 times. Although I think that a flu is contagious during all stages.
  9. Swine flu and normal flu have the same symptoms If I remember correctly.
  10. Joined: 9-June 08 Other Aliases: none Posts: 117 Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): Most likely not the one you're reffering to, but i do remember a blue skin when i joined. Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: I guess both Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: Absolutely do not support leaked content.
  11. an ISO sort of kills the purpose of this disk lol. An ISO wont run without a modded system, in which place you could just fix the hard drive anyways.
  12. He does steal accounts all the time. He has said he wouldnt trust himself. While it is wrong for him to steal this too, you were wrong for even trying to go for this trade in the first place. Moral of the story : Dont initiate a trust type trade with a thief lol. Or you couldve used actual money and paypal, and could have gotten a refund when he tried to scam you.
  13. Devs are different from Demos internally. They have the connections for a sidecar on the motherboard, and can kernel debug. Don't talk out of your ass.
  14. I think they'd have changed the way it worked by epsilon stage. Epsilon is pretty close to retail, so I doubt this tool would work with it.
  15. Im Eazy B and I approved this.
  16. Is the folder structure correct? because if it isnt you arent going to get it to load. Offtopic : Beta tested this like 5 months ago
  17. They share a grandfather on Obama's mom side named Samuel Hinckley. which would make them cousins of the like 11th. Which is actually relatively recent. If you go by Bush's dad obama is a 10th cousin, If you by Cheney Obama is his 8th cousin. He is also related to Harry Truman(7th), Gerald Ford(10th), and Lyndon Johnson (4th) James Madison (3rd). Here's something for the conspiracy theorists: All of the presidents of the United States so far have been related. Let the flaming begin.
  18. TheEazyB


    do me
  19. TheEazyB

    360 Loading

    how do you expect to edit the RAM? Also it too is protected.
  20. Told you so DeeHunter.
  21. No. There was a pic of a ghost from anthony. Also did it ever occur to you that when people are conducting the research that they give to you that they tested it at one point?
  22. Dee I hope you realize it'll be public soon now. Also Bungie doesn't even own the rights to Halo anymore, sounds like a lie epsilon.... and you would have to be paying some serious cash for those model licenses.
  23. Still not funny.
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