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Everything posted by TheEazyB

  1. oh, so playing it on your kit isn't just as much pirating it?
  2. the old 'browse the web on your 360' thing was a media center app that let you control your pc from your 360.
  3. The only point proven is that you have a problem with not getting your way.
  4. Simple, he never really supported them. He just wants to be cool.
  5. What the **** happened to your no leaking thing? Again probably not the kind of attention good for IBM...
  6. Looks pretty fake. Assuming you had the source for this game, rewriting it to work on the 360 and running it as homebrew is incredibly unlikely. I'm willing to bet your little vid of it running on the 360 is some variation of the old web browser thing.
  7. Right, because playing on consoles with no Xbox LIVE access are definitely killing it.
  8. ... A mod shouldn't be enforcing rules that random members come up with either.
  9. oh, a pic of Ms Oink would've been funnier. That or the poster.
  10. I don't believe decatur can do that.
  11. was it ms.oink?
  12. lol and which staff member approved this?
  13. I don't give my age out, because quite frankly you have no reason to know it. Whether or not I am 8 or 80 years old makes no difference in any possible situation that could ever happen on this site. I referred to him as a 'kid' in the sense of a pronoun, but apparently you can't discern that. Anyone and everyone knows that if I wanted to insult him, I would have done much better than 'the kid'. Politely informing the person who is impolitely making insults at others is dumb. Really? Learn how to express yourself properly. Throwing a period after every couple words creates a stream of consciousness, not an intellectual statement. The IP address your ipod gets is one on your local network, and is not the one that a website would ban. There is another factor at play as far as you being unbanned. I'm quite the 'doushe' bag? If you were ever in my party you would know that I don't like to further stupidity like this, and you would also know that I don't argue something unless I know exactly what is going on.
  14. Dont forget your woman! lol
  15. Publicly starting a debate thread and taking shots at the staff in the thread is not the way to handle a mistake if there even is one. I'd laugh if you were banned for flaming in this thread. Also, the kid who talked about banning ipod IP's you don't know what you are talking about.
  16. Im going to laugh when all the kids get banned.
  17. epic way for people to get hijacked lol
  18. There may be a new security revision out, but if you've had it work before then that is not it.
  19. Because this isn't suspicious at all...
  20. Jasper model anyone? also, online service worth playing or good games anyone?
  21. Then I guess you won't be playing it on your kit.
  22. lol i still have messages of him begging me for a CON signer prerelease. I wonder how his BNG friends would take to that.
  23. So all the halo kiddies can try and track down X number of them and try to factor the RSA key they desire.
  24. lol the guy who basically invented modding that nubs run around with now?
  25. People still do these?
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