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Everything posted by TheEazyB

  1. I think you might be able to get it back by calling Apple, but essentially it's up to them because If I remember right it's only a license for a single download.
  2. Oh wow, I'm embarassed. I thought the date was this month
  3. lol the statement is justified.
  4. oh, well then +5 to you! If I get $25 I'll talk to you.
  5. The fact that they offer the downloads isn't questionable, the legality and legitimacy of them (being the accounts) however, is.
  6. You can make a free MSDN account, but to get the downloads you have to pay. Which makes these accounts a bit questionable...
  7. /liar Gabe, Unknown and I already showed how Doob E Snack was lying logically, who later went on to hide behind Se7en sins staff being the idiots that they are. Does anyone else find it slightly coincidental that these saves are released after Gabe's tut on how to do it is released?
  8. links dead
  9. Also people are looking over the fact that the third party accessories allow modding.... also I think that the units use a special set of information to even be recognized by the 360, which would make it illegal to produce the hardware. I mean, it's at least true with the hard drives.
  10. Yeah, I have sprint and I'm looking through their phones, about time I got something relatively recent again. I've been looking at the Palm Pre, Samsung Ace, and Samsung Intrepid. anyone have ideas as to which I should get or something else altogether?
  11. dump the sectors from the HD and custom hard drives become REALLY practical... no doubt these will have a ridiculous standalone price.
  12. That would make sense. It's near impossible to make a secure .net application.
  13. Can I see a pic of the box?
  14. h2: Inception h3: Alteration Everything else: Horizon
  15. If you prepare the backup correctly you can play it on a 360 I believe. Assuming that the executable is unaltered, and only the maps, this should work.
  16. get a PC
  17. TheEazyB

    ping test

  18. I didn't get it.
  19. I knew it'd go over your head. A soul is a spiritual concept, ie RELIGIOUS. Your SCIENTIFIC basis is that there isn't a SOUL yet. This means that one will develop at some point, which means you believe in souls. Show a religion that allows this and believes in souls (hint: there isn't one, science and religion don't mix).
  20. Well going off your post alone, your scientific basis is that an embryo has 'no soul' and 'no brain', which implies you believe a baby develops a soul at some point. By this logic, you are inherently against stem cell research because of religious values .
  21. there is a way, but you'll have to search far to find the few who know how to do it. hints: animal 7 trees
  22. it's not so hard, just each person needs to be prepared to be a hero. In our game it literally boiled down to me beating a brute to death because I ran out of bullets.
  23. Dark and Anthony both were banned. You getting it the 'very second' of the vidmaster has nothing to do with it, it's an achievement like any other one. All it means is that you were banned at that point in time. I already explained about the resets, MS may choose to do so or not. Your claim was that you will never be banned for the offense, which is untrue.
  24. This is what I am addressing. Yes you can be banned for modding GS, like I said before it boils down to who deals with you. There is perfect justification for a ban. MS may decide to try a 'reform' program but in reality they can pull the plug anytime they want and ban you.
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