visual basic is a good introduction to programming for those with no prior experience. After learning it, you may wish to switch to C# for more power. Anything in the .NET framework is available for free, and all developed using visual studio. After learning about .net, you may want to change to a native language like C or C++, or another similar platform like Java etc.
Probably not. As far as the game goes, it'll be an updated H3. Usermaps, and other usercontent I imagine would be the same or even protected at some point. I'd say add a research section, and if the conclusion is reached that either : A) The modding is the exact same or B) Modding is impossible. Don't make a dedicated section.
If you fail an update, you have to restore a working copy of that update for the console to be usable again. Also, this should be cleared up: THIS thread talks about an exploit from 2 years ago. Coincidentally, a new one was announced today. Both will become inaccessible if you download the update released today.
Nice copy and paste.... aren't you supposed to be gone? Prediction: this will be taken for something its not Stipulation: the NXE was 73xx, the update that comes out today is higher