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Everything posted by TheEazyB

  1. Canada's army actually stopped an attempt by the US army to take Canada over at one point if I remember correctly.
  2. use spaces? or add the null bytes to the string? I don't see which part you're having trouble with.
  3. Not very cool when you aren't playing Halo. Just like the console.
  4. I almost ninja'ed an ATT guy doing maintenance once.
  5. http://www.slashgear.com/gallery/data_files/1/katana2.jpg
  6. lol plenty of young members are going to ask what this is. BTW some nip on that pic.
  7. They removed my staff spot because I didn't agree with discrimination....
  8. install the mono framework and it should be compatible with mac. edit: look, a leaker who thinks he can do something.
  9. Not really, because that would be more than likely to cause problems. You'd look dumb for buying a pregnancy test with a near term girl right there.
  10. Yes you do.
  11. They gave problems intially, had to get a specialized business modem apparently. After that, everything has been fine.
  12. Messing with the ISO is tricky business, very easy to get yourself banned.
  13. Girls in the video were very stupid.
  14. if you're coding anything in the .net Framework, don't bother as microsoft offers free IDE and compiler set ups.
  15. visual basic is a good introduction to programming for those with no prior experience. After learning it, you may wish to switch to C# for more power. Anything in the .NET framework is available for free, and all developed using visual studio. After learning about .net, you may want to change to a native language like C or C++, or another similar platform like Java etc.
  16. Lol it could also be used to keep IBM out of an app in case of a leak.
  17. Probably not. As far as the game goes, it'll be an updated H3. Usermaps, and other usercontent I imagine would be the same or even protected at some point. I'd say add a research section, and if the conclusion is reached that either : A) The modding is the exact same or B) Modding is impossible. Don't make a dedicated section.
  18. TheEazyB


    imma board.
  19. TheEazyB


    Yeah, I got it.
  20. TheEazyB


    I requested an invite from pargy, not Connor Boade, whoever that may be.
  21. TheEazyB


    Pargy can send me one at theeazyb@gmail.com
  22. If you fail an update, you have to restore a working copy of that update for the console to be usable again. Also, this should be cleared up: THIS thread talks about an exploit from 2 years ago. Coincidentally, a new one was announced today. Both will become inaccessible if you download the update released today.
  23. This is pretty obsolete at this point, people might as well ask questions.
  24. Nice copy and paste.... aren't you supposed to be gone? Prediction: this will be taken for something its not Stipulation: the NXE was 73xx, the update that comes out today is higher
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