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Everything posted by TheEazyB

  1. Clicked
  2. I call nefarious play. Epsilon has reason to hack me, so im thinking it was him on my account. But thats not concrete I guess, all I know it wasnt me spamming on my account, and anyone who knows me knows I wouldn't.
  3. lol you came on our website and got owned, so now you assume C++ is for modding? By that token guys you also need to know DirectX.
  4. How about a list of contacts/experience/reasons to trust you? Mine was: The circle Dev contacts Program makers I didnt get anything. But good luck.
  5. I agree.
  6. yay my filmer. I haz teh mods for you to film more of. Steven and Eazy coming soon!
  7. Lol good luck many others went down this path before to no avail. Not an easy road, who feels it knows I guess. Development kits are overrated now anyways. If you do find a seller, do a favor and not have all the kids swarming. Thanksv
  8. ohi thanks for teh unbans.
  9. Anyone notice that kernel is spelled wrong? I doubt he created one when he cant even spell it.... and FirmWare is supposed to be firmware...
  10. Ive been preaching that sermon for a long time..... but apparently the ears are deaf when you have nothing to offer them. If I remember correctly it was your account that gave 3 people Admin CP and banned me callling me the N word...... Where is safety now?
  11. Question 16.The release date of Halo1 was in: Question 17. Where does the ship escape to in Halo1? Question 18. How many levels are there in Halo1? Question 19. What is the full description for the recon Chest Plate Question 20. When was ibotmodz founded on? Question 21. Who is your fav vip member that is known all around halo3 smile.gif? Question 22. What halo3 map do most people think sucks donky b4lls? 1. 2001 2. places 3. enough to provide a good storyline 4. something retarded 5. what? 6. The Eazy B 7. Snowbound.
  12. nice questions
  13. Sure....inject one into a LIVE container and resign it........
  14. Wake Up and Live - Bob Marley and the Wailers
  15. idk, just MAYBE, im going off on a limb here, a LEGITIMATE reason. People do stuff to break rules and get banned. End Of.
  16. Thats like murdering someone, standing over their dead body while holding the weapon, clearly showing your face and then saying because the picture isnt illegal you dont get into trouble its basically admitting you mod, which is probably not wise
  17. well considering the ftp access that was granted to this site allowed IBM's password database to be stolen, i would think its over at this point....
  18. Of course you would say that you didnt do it, how do you think it would make you look if you admitted to it? Also if you wrote your own code based off his, where did his code come from? Also, why is every single line required for it to function EXACTLY the same.... If you have stolen code, which you do, it means to me that you are not smart enough to write your own, which is completely acceptable if you are honest about it. It is not my life goal to make people believe it, I just told them about it. If they choose to be blind to it, then fine. And as for you saying 'get a life', implying it that way is flaming and by the way, who has a better life? The thief\liar or the honest man?
  19. Public service announcement : This application contains stolen code and has been determined because the entire project shares the same GUID as Shade's Resigner. For those who dont know how to program, this is something unique to every project and if two projects have the same one, they are the same project. Also confirmed with HaloMods & from shade that he did not have permission to use said code. If you compare the source of this program with the source of Shades they will be the same in most instances, except places that changes were necessary after decompilation.
  20. this wont work, downloaded picture packs are LIVE containers and cant be resigned...
  21. keyword ARCADE games guys. L.O.L.
  22. Seeing as im leaving H3 alone for now because of what has happened, can you guys give me some recommendations for good arcade games? Right now im trying to decide between N+ and Marble Blast Ultra.
  23. Im using a linksys, and now when i turn it on it just makes a hearable click and its done. Connected it to pc for new firmware but even that doesnt work.
  24. i doubt anyone here has the technical knowhow to do that, and if we could change download locations then that means something is running unsigned, meaning why bother with this when we could use that to make a custom kernel? again thats if something is running unsigned.
  25. I had my router and reputation destroyed by racists. I quit halo 3, decided to give it a second chance and now im out 100$. Great.
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