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Everything posted by TheEazyB

  1. You really love to argue don't you? Let's set a few things into perspective here: The Terms of Use is agreed to by every member on creation of their account. That web page is not written into the terms of use nor the code of conduct, you haven't agreed to it nor have you ever been required to read it. The terms of service however, HAVE been required, and clearly state Also agreed to was the Code of Conduct, which states Logically speaking, GS modding is a modification and as such you may be banned. /checkmate Don't try and debate when you don't know what you are talking about. /thread.
  2. You not being reset does not detract from there being waves, it just means you weren't flagged to be banned. The thing about not getting banned, is really hit and miss. The TOS say you will be banned, it really boils down to who deals with you.
  3. You forgot the fact that one account is not banned instantly for one offense, it may very well come in waves. Also, this idea is bad because if there is any evidence of modding period, you will be banned. Really just seems like a poor attempt at a scam.
  4. TheEazyB


    What the ****?
  5. At least 4 of those units are overheating. Also, the bill for that room alone is going to be ridiculous. Then again I guess that's what it takes to put together a game of the possibly the greatest franchise ever.
  6. TheEazyB


    Expansion on fun fact: Everyone in that picture looked up to him at some point in time.
  7. BUP
  8. reach beta is for all copies, Sgt. Johnson was the only pre-order exclusive.
  9. TheEazyB


    Swine Flu. Probably because that would mean it's going to be soon.
  10. Well not quite Decatur, the other box does not become "useless" but is still necessary.
  11. modding the disk itself increases risks of banning, although it would create the effect you want. If you change anything in a container at all, the signature gets broken, and none of the maps in that package load. There are cases of people with scratched disks not loading certain maps, but it is impossible to determine these scratches and is in my opinion a decrease in the value of your game.
  12. He's trying to cover his mistake by saying they used a spell checker.
  13. Anyone else reminded of the Ol Dirty Bastard? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS181X4F3bw
  14. He's calling him a liar. A picture of a fake abortion record will follow next.
  15. ODST should really fall under H3 modding.
  16. really, so fake. You've done nothing as of yet to even provoke this response, there's no proof of it even being real let alone you distributing it. Microsoft would never say they are impressed by someone's skill. 'to' is used instead of 'too' the fines would be much greater than $1000 USD. I say this thread is preserved as a testament to noobs.
  17. They can give bans for early retail copies, as there is no method of discerning a retail from a properly made back up. What has been done in the past is a whitelist concept of people who are allowed to have the game and others be banned. It is shitty of them to ban you for it, but they are within their rights in doing it because there is no way to look on a case by case basis, as the copies are leaked to begin with. Stores are not supposed to sell before release dates, many games starting from Halo 2 are clearly marked in this way and will actually fall in trouble for this very reason. Would they unban you if you were in the 1% of people who were sold an early retail? Yes. The chances of every nub with a flashed drive being a part of that 1%? They aren't stupid. Also, I know of a few cases where both console and gamertag are banned, and I believe Major Nelson said so himself as well.
  18. Funny trivia, a long time ago Pwnage21 once told me i'd never become a modder. Funny trivia, a long time ago Pwnage21 once told me i'd never become a modder.
  19. You're still in danger if you're in france. Basically unless you were given an early copy under special circumstances, you are not 100% safe.
  20. I can confirm otherwise.
  21. I kissed this girl...
  22. .... You didn't pay for the copy on your dev. No matter which way you turn it, you've still committed piracy. Just because you ordered a copy doesn't mean that downloading it isn't piracy. Point is both you and decatur downloaded the rip, therefore committing the same actions. Neither of you own a copy of ODST, so the files are illegal.
  23. Did you read his comment at all?
  24. No... You've still pirated just the same as you've accused him of. The only difference is you're playing it from a hard drive and he's playing it from a disk.
  25. Piracy doesn't work like that. You downloaded it and played it on your kit, you do not own a copy of the game, therefore it isn't a legal back up. You have no room to tell anyone about leaking it or pirating it when you've done both of them yourself. In fact, downloading it period is pirating it, the only legal way to have the files is to dump them yourself, which you obviously didn't do.
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