You were the one who made the stupid mistake of handing anything to epsilon in the first place. But since you claim to extract them yourself, you should be able to do what you want with it. Oh wait, you had help from people on HM like darvolt and poke. Get off gabe, it's his work.
Innocent until proven guilty? You don't jump on the guy and assume he can't do it because he decided to sell it. His research, and it's 1$. Need I bring up the Epsilon incident?
They say swine flu is a mutation of influenza, at the same time a new variant of flu is out every year. Which raises the question, are mutated humans further evolved than us others? Because basically the principle of evolution introduces a trait as mutation and it absorbs into the population of the species.
to the comment about DNA, we share DNA with almost everything. Although one thing I have noticed from this topic is that the non religious people have shown faith in the African roots of humanity, versus the religious people denying this claim. Anyone else smell a hint of colonialism? Another question for debate: How come monkeys don't change anymore?
this 'Pastafarian' thing is a parody religion meant to make fun of other religious arguments. So either you are trying to insult people, or are finding divine inspiration in a bowl of noodles and meat.. not trying to flame here, as I know that sounds ridiculous but you claim to subscribe to it so there should be no problem admitting it.