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Everything posted by TheEazyB

  1. well just because its on X-S doesnt mean it has to be 100% true.but its advisable to not give out parts of the NAND because it is copyrighted.
  2. It never worked. That was a joke me and shadow made one night when we were bored. It was a game variant from the Halo 3 Beta that he found was still on his hard drive. We moved this file into retail Halo 3 folder and it was recognized. then we rename and add to fileshare.
  3. i thought he was still under the common misconception of there being a resigner that works in offline mode on an xbox. Pretty sure he's referring to a resigner that can be used offline, in which case people have those...
  4. they DO NOT run unsigned code. they run code signed with a KNOWN key. and a PSA to anyone wanting to mod with one: Sorry, you wont be able to. Unless you learn PPC ASM and make an XeX, you arent skipping map checks. The creator of the RTH app is not giving it out to random kids who get devs, so that route is no good. So unless you are a collector, i wouldnt recomend a dev kit to be on your "things to purchase" list.
  5. mostly correct, but: 1. a 'modified' xex is no longer modded if it is signed, is it? 2. while running linux you cant run unsigned code. the linux itself is unsigned code. 3. dev-kits do not have a 'modified' NAND per se, they just have a larger one.
  6. i made one that i was going to release in a map pack with bomb shrine, but i decided that since skipper announced knowledge of it first ill let him release
  7. in all honesty mfone, it is really in a very simple format. some simple trial and error could help you find it in about a day. you dont NEED a set of private software, it can be hexed.
  8. 1.actually they could only get you banned if you handed them your KV. 2. while con keys are unique to each xbox, they COULD be of use if they had a resigner to punch them into. i thought i should correct you, but i totally agree with them buying their own infectus. although most of these kids would most likely brick their console with an infectus, that isnt grounds for handing out your own.
  9. i was bored, and my friend had the idea of a modded screenshot. so i decided bungie wouldnt make a big deal about a modded pic from bungie.net, so i injected the Hi Res Cold storage pic and uploaded it! 300 dls so far, its only been made for about 5 mins. spread it to all your friends! http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=41297313
  10. no such thing as an offline resigner...
  11. this is fake. in the picture i did look at with the 'open' option wasnt even an open file dialog. that was a text box with a button next to it. tommy when you were in my party you did not soud 18. if you are 18 you have a pathetically high voice. and did anyone else notice he comes out with this after i tell people forge modding is retarded? he basically mirrored MY story i told him in a chat once, changing a few details like age. i guess imitation is really the greatest form of flattery.
  12. dev kits with modded xex's or RTH applications allow .map modding. no .map resigner has been made nor will one be made. dont bother getting yourself a dev unless your a collector because you wont find yourself with the correct tools to mod H3.
  13. lux, we cant confirm that. we know thats what happened, but we cant prove it. derived didnt fess up to it, and of course haxalot wont. but heres the html of a post from ***** containing info that was deleted by his moderator friends. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DGG7BVT5
  14. i think by saying youll publicly release it you killed all chances of someone handing you one.
  15. Lux while we think that is the most likely story, we cannot confirm it 100%. He has a resigner based from code that is not his, and was unwillingly acquired. Those we can know 100% so until we get more solid evidence on the blackmail theory, we have to declare it as stolen.
  16. twiggy there are more details regarding things such as SDK etc.. i will write up the post with complete evidence later today. use some common sense... some random guy named hyperstorm pops up out of nowhere selling a resigner right when haxalot steals one? i will write the rest of the evidence up later.
  17. as you all may have suspected, hyperstorm who is selling a con resigner is Haxalot. myself supermodder and austin caught him in a lie. i will past the conversation for you to read yourself. austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey whats up Feur Fly says: nm u? austinbomber@yahoo.com says: i got u a buyer who bought from u right? austinbomber@yahoo.com says: did someone buy the resinger? Feur Fly says: not yet austinbomber@yahoo.com says: because my friend tol me someone bought it from u Feur Fly says: nope Feur Fly says: nobody has payed anything yet austinbomber@yahoo.com says: alright well i have a guy hes not online ill tell u when though austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey i need 2 maps resigned can u resign them Feur Fly says: erg fine Feur Fly says: actually Feur Fly says: you need to give me Feur Fly says: like Feur Fly says: 15 min austinbomber@yahoo.com says: k austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey whats up can i get the resigner so i can resign my own maps? Feur Fly says: i thought EG made the decision for both of you austinbomber@yahoo.com says: what r u talking about ? Feur Fly says: EG OverkiIl said: well i think me an austin will take the one with out the resigner austinbomber@yahoo.com says: wtf austinbomber@yahoo.com says: i wasnt in the chat austinbomber@yahoo.com says: wow austinbomber@yahoo.com says: i never said that Feur Fly says: i know Feur Fly says: EG did austinbomber@yahoo.com says: all day ive been convincing people to buy ur resigner Feur Fly says: lo Feur Fly says: well Feur Fly says: he bailed out Feur Fly says: -.- austinbomber@yahoo.com says: omg Feur Fly says: apparently it was Feur Fly says: he got the resigner right then Feur Fly says: or no deal Feur Fly says: so Feur Fly says: sux 4 him austinbomber@yahoo.com says: well that was him and not me Feur Fly says: k austinbomber@yahoo.com says: but can i get it now just because ur usually on late and my friend usually who xsatas gets off austinbomber@yahoo.com says: i still will get u buyers austinbomber@yahoo.com says: i already have teabagger cring and parkiston to want to buy it Feur Fly says: i haven't gotten a single payment or anybody buying it yet austinbomber@yahoo.com says: im still finding more austinbomber@yahoo.com says: L( austinbomber@yahoo.com says: austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey guess what everyone says ur resigner is like server side or something and dont want to buy it Feur Fly says: lol Feur Fly says: cuz they're idiots austinbomber@yahoo.com says: so what kind is it Feur Fly says: private resigner austinbomber@yahoo.com says: are u on a client side? Feur Fly says: i use my own Feur Fly says: -.- austinbomber@yahoo.com says: u said u would give it to me and i worked very hard and your just going to stop and say to bad? austinbomber@yahoo.com says: its not like im not getting more people for u Feur Fly says: i wont do that Feur Fly says: im just saying Feur Fly says: the idea was if you get 3 people to buy it Feur Fly says: not 3 people who say they will buy it Feur Fly says: buy actually buy it Feur Fly says: then ill give you a copy austinbomber@yahoo.com says: what is the big problem with giving it to me its not like im going to give it to other people im just going to resign my own maps Feur Fly says: ya but nobody has yet paid for it Feur Fly says: so it's like handing out the first copy Feur Fly says: free Feur Fly says: i wanna make some money first before any other copies go out austinbomber@yahoo.com says: i already gave u about 2 peoples name who want to buy it Feur Fly says: ok... austinbomber@yahoo.com says: so u should convince them to buy it Feur Fly says: cuz i can contact them Feur Fly says: if they wanna buy it Feur Fly says: they contact me austinbomber@yahoo.com says: well a guy said he bought it from u austinbomber@yahoo.com says: nuklear told me his friend bought one from u Feur Fly says: well a guy just lied about bying it from me austinbomber@yahoo.com says: well thats weird to lie about lol Feur Fly says: so far nobody but me has a copy austinbomber@yahoo.com says: wierd Feur Fly says: ask for proof Feur Fly says: he'll come up with some dumbass piece of crap austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey but i only need the resigner just to use when ur not on dude Feur Fly says: then when 3 people pay for my resigner Feur Fly says: you will have that resigner austinbomber@yahoo.com says: well no one beileves you austinbomber@yahoo.com says: like the thing that if its sever side or whatever austinbomber@yahoo.com says: i can prove its not by making my own maps and showing them austinbomber@yahoo.com says: just if i get that resigner... austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ...? Feur Fly says: no austinbomber@yahoo.com says: fine i guess but still resign maps for me k? Feur Fly says: k austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey btw cn u set me up on a server side Feur Fly says: i haven't made a server-side Feur Fly says: and dont plan to make one austinbomber@yahoo.com says: just for me? Feur Fly says: no austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ok Feur Fly says: i swear austinbomber@yahoo.com says: Feur Fly says: you're probably EG Feur Fly says: like seriously austinbomber@yahoo.com says: omg Feur Fly says: this is deja bu austinbomber@yahoo.com says: wow lol Feur Fly says: deja vu austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ok how bout i prove to u im not Feur Fly says: doesn't matter rly austinbomber@yahoo.com says: how can i prove im myself Feur Fly says: it doesn't matter austinbomber@yahoo.com says: if i get u some can u set me up on a server side? austinbomber@yahoo.com says: some = people Feur Fly says: how about Feur Fly says: you actually get me something Feur Fly says: i might actually help you with something austinbomber@yahoo.com says: like... Feur Fly says: because Feur Fly says: the whole idea was like Feur Fly says: you came to me asking for my resigner Feur Fly says: but couldn't buy Feur Fly says: so i offered another way Feur Fly says: now if you cant do that Feur Fly says: then well oh well austinbomber@yahoo.com says: can i just get 2 people because thats 500 $ Feur Fly says: considering 250 ea austinbomber@yahoo.com says: u know because eg left austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ya Feur Fly says: but the idea was Feur Fly says: im trying to save up atleast 600 austinbomber@yahoo.com says: i know what the idea was the idea was also eg staying but he didnt Feur Fly says: the idea was that im offering a resigner to someone who can get me 3 sales austinbomber@yahoo.com says: thats half a thousand dollars austinbomber@yahoo.com says: so u want me to get u 3/4 of a thousand dollars Feur Fly says: im going to give you the same choice as eg Feur Fly says: either you get me 3 sales for a resigner Feur Fly says: or there's no me giving you a resigner austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ok but can i sell 1 of them for 150? Feur Fly says: no austinbomber@yahoo.com says: alright can the lowest price on them be 200 ? Feur Fly says: yes, but i want at the least 660 total across the 3 sales Feur Fly says: 650* Feur Fly says: because after paypal takes their part Feur Fly says: that leaves me with 600 austinbomber@yahoo.com says: are u trying to get a dev kit lol? Feur Fly says: well i already have the sdk Feur Fly says: so a dev-kit might help austinbomber@yahoo.com says: sdk doesnt let u mod halo Feur Fly says: i know austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey can u get on Feur Fly says: im not saying i want a dev-kit Feur Fly says: that's 750 min. austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey but get on xbox live Feur Fly says: fine austinbomber@yahoo.com says: my friend is going to be in the party though Feur Fly says: meh Feur Fly says: i dont have a mic Feur Fly says: it broke austinbomber@yahoo.com says: WTF? Feur Fly says: as in Feur Fly says: i turned it off Feur Fly says: it wont turn on Feur Fly says: it wont charge Feur Fly says: it wont do crap austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ur kidding austinbomber@yahoo.com says: what kind was it Feur Fly says: wireless austinbomber@yahoo.com says: when will u get a new mic Feur Fly says: i dunno austinbomber@yahoo.com says: what was ur old gt? Feur Fly says: what you mean austinbomber@yahoo.com says: im just curious because ur gamerscore is low and u barely have friends so u obviuosly had another gt austinbomber@yahoo.com says: get on live Feur Fly says: my mic still isn't fixed austinbomber@yahoo.com says: still austinbomber@yahoo.com says: just get on Feur Fly says: k austinbomber@yahoo.com says: hey u coming on because my hands are getting a little tired Feur Fly says: gimme a min -.- austinbomber@yahoo.com says: k austinbomber@yahoo.com says: what r u doing... Feur Fly says: well austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ... austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ok well........ Feur Fly says: supermoddergaycrap is accusing haxalot of being me Feur Fly says: and this is getting annoying austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ok austinbomber@yahoo.com says: well when u can try getting in here austinbomber@yahoo.com says: well just tell them ur old gt austinbomber@yahoo.com says: unless ur new to xbox austinbomber@yahoo.com says: just tell him ur new to xbox austinbomber@yahoo.com says: do u have aim Feur Fly says: no austinbomber@yahoo.com says: supermodder doesnt have msn Feur Fly says: im sure he doesn't >.> austinbomber@yahoo.com says: then how r u talking to him Feur Fly says: oh ya Feur Fly says: i forgot to include Feur Fly says: /sarcasm Feur Fly says: and btw Feur Fly says: im not talking to him austinbomber@yahoo.com says: Feur Fly says: supermoddergaycrap is accusing haxalot of being me Feur Fly says: you think hax and i dont talk or something? Feur Fly says: because obviously friends cant communticate Feur Fly says: >.> austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ok so seriously how were u talking to supermodder Feur Fly says: i wasn't Feur Fly says: are you dumb? austinbomber@yahoo.com says: then how is he bothering u] Feur Fly says: it annoys me when people accuse me of things Feur Fly says: it annoys me when people say crap about me austinbomber@yahoo.com says: then tell me whats going on and it will be done Feur Fly says: it annoys me when ****ing Eazy tells supermodder crap austinbomber@yahoo.com says: whos eazy or whatever Feur Fly says: probably your mum austinbomber@yahoo.com says: uhh ok... Feur Fly says: ya uhh ok... austinbomber@yahoo.com says: my mum? Feur Fly says: im done talking austinbomber@yahoo.com says: ok To record a Voice Clip, hold down the button or press F2 while speaking. Release the button to send your message. Feur Fly says: as in Feur Fly says: cya foreva ***** austinbomber@yahoo.com says: tell haxalot to go **** himelf dispute that. also incase you didnt know, haxalot has a stolen con resigner, which he was trying to sell.
  18. BS you told me where to place the trip mines and I did. Don't lie. Mfone i like how when you cross over the forums you seem to have a sense of pride. On Xbox Live you are always quiet and always beg me for things. And regardless, I am the one who did all of the actual MODDING and RESIGNING more importantly.
  19. Mfone didnt 'help' make htis in a way you think. he was in the party when i placed all the s*** and playtested it lol. it was a test map but i guess people want it so ill release.
  20. its definetly not cool to monitor my games and see what im doing. and shotspartin YOU dont know what was done, so dont say you do.
  21. i think its wrong. I dont like gays, and i wont tell a lie: i dont like ******* either.As peaches once said, we shouldnt change our society for them. We already have though, in the biblical days we you used to stone them to death.
  22. this is going to come as a suprise to many, but im a Rasta.
  23. Bomb Shrine Made by The Eazy B Post written up by The Eazy B of iBotModz.net Features: -The entire map has been turned into a mine field. Makes a fun game to see how many times you can go around the map - Forgeable mines Bugs -Sometimes not all the mines spawn, and some of my friends have claimed to overload the map with it but ive never had that Pictures Forgeable Video None Yet. Download TBA Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. ThE EaZy B of iBotModz.net
  24. hate to kill the dream, but marketplace content is stored in LIVE containers, not CON ones. we cant resign those, so im afraid youll have to use a disk to mod.
  25. you said my mod was gay. it was part of a research project. its not supposed to be out, some idiot who shall remain unnamed gave it out when i told him not to.
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