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Everything posted by TheEazyB

  1. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5QI8W136 burn a disk using these files and put in your 360 and boot it. have fun i suspect MS will be on it soon, so hurry! EDIT: I gave you guys fair warning, MS has caught on to the leak and removed the file that had to be downloaded from the LIVE servers. Those who got it enjoy.
  2. Which doesnt make sense considering that is a nonexistant program.....
  3. I dont think you have any ground to stand on telling someone they cant spell....Also, NEWSFLASH idiot, Cold Storage is a FREE map. Even if your retarded concept of downloading a LIVE file and attempting to sign it with a CON resigner worked, it wouldnt be necessary. Now do us all a favor and STFU.
  4. TheEazyB

    360 OS

    if you get an adaper for the hard drive to connect to your computer and you format in a computer filesystem, yes it will be functional as an external drive. but be warned : you cannot convert it back to the xbox format for the 360 unless you have a Dev Kit.
  5. Peaches you do realise it doesnt matter that you have xport right? you can access your hard drive the same way.
  6. heres a thought, how about you go look through tags/idents and try spawning those things yourself?
  7. Their are tuts on it. Stop being lazy and read them. Flaming a newbie isnt appropriate either tyler. how about you point him in the right direction next time.
  8. TheEazyB

    360 OS

    360 OS would be stored in your NAND. a Dev OS just allows some remote access, it still would be useless outside of a devkit.
  9. that cause the film to error.
  10. First off it dosen't even matter if it's porno it still will have some conflict do to copyright laws and second how did u stop the future use of porno people can still mod screenshots as of now so that means it still can be done all u did was warn bungie not nessecarry stop it and as i said before i hate what can now be done with screenshots but maybe people hate u because u could have endend fileshare for everyone and some people including me just paid points on bungie pro and btw i decided to reasearch u a i found this forum http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f...&st=0&sk=t&sd=a which I found that u could have actually made it worse for bungie becuase someone responded with exact directions saying how to mod screenshots and if u would have never made it that directions may have not exist so in a way u may have help then just a hair but i think u could have maid it worse and what happen did some one mad u mad and that's why u decided to betray modding community t. are you stupid? of course there will be copyright conflict, but all bungie would have to do is remove said image. if the image was pornography, they would have legal problems for distributing it to minors. I stopped the future SPREADING of porno screenshots. i could care less if you mod your own pictures for yourself, BUT i know thats not why you idiots mod them. as for the person with exact screenshot directions, if you had an inteligence of a candy necklace you wouldve seen me telling them they have no idea what they have messed up. I never BETRAYED anybody, i have been saying from DAY ONE modding information and con resigners shouldnt get out. I dont know who the hell you think you are,but i am not the one to be judged here. The one who needs to be judged is the one who STOLE a con resigner and caused this all to happen. and on another note, the community wonders and cries so much about my groupdoing private research, THIS IS WHY. Nothing is ever good enough for this community, you people just want a MORE and MORE. alright this is getting anyoning i created this forum to make people aware of what the promblem was and u came out of no where an made this like a political debate. the game is rated M for mature and minors can't even buy it there parents or adult friends must buy it and that's there fault for buying a adult game for minors and i still don't see how u stopped the porno because as of now pics can still be modded and it's just a matter of time so stop claiming u saved bungie you are still taking a blind approach. IF you payed any atention at all, i said i stopped the distribution of modded screenshots, thats where the problem is you idiot.18 is considered an adult, someone who is 17 can buy the game. thats a minor last time i checked you idiot. and if you created this thread to inform people, DONT YOU DARE THROW INSULTS AT ME then expect me not to show up. dont argue with people who are smarter then you, it makes you look stupid.
  11. First off it dosen't even matter if it's porno it still will have some conflict do to copyright laws and second how did u stop the future use of porno people can still mod screenshots as of now so that means it still can be done all u did was warn bungie not nessecarry stop it and as i said before i hate what can now be done with screenshots but maybe people hate u because u could have endend fileshare for everyone and some people including me just paid points on bungie pro and btw i decided to reasearch u a i found this forum http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f...&st=0&sk=t&sd=a which I found that u could have actually made it worse for bungie becuase someone responded with exact directions saying how to mod screenshots and if u would have never made it that directions may have not exist so in a way u may have help then just a hair but i think u could have maid it worse and what happen did some one mad u mad and that's why u decided to betray modding community are you stupid? of course there will be copyright conflict, but all bungie would have to do is remove said image. if the image was pornography, they would have legal problems for distributing it to minors. I stopped the future SPREADING of porno screenshots. i could care less if you mod your own pictures for yourself, BUT i know thats not why you idiots mod them. as for the person with exact screenshot directions, if you had an inteligence of a candy necklace you wouldve seen me telling them they have no idea what they have messed up. I never BETRAYED anybody, i have been saying from DAY ONE modding information and con resigners shouldnt get out. I dont know who the hell you think you are,but i am not the one to be judged here. The one who needs to be judged is the one who STOLE a con resigner and caused this all to happen. and on another note, the community wonders and cries so much about my groupdoing private research, THIS IS WHY. Nothing is ever good enough for this community, you people just want a MORE and MORE.
  12. actually it wont slipstream, they are just lying and want atention.
  13. the kim kardashian pic was suggestive, but not pornography.no pornography has been distrubuted, i stopped that. and honestly dark was just an annoyance. he hated me the first day i came here, i have no sympathy for him.
  14. i helped save it from a possible AO rating, bad media atention, and possible legal problems.
  15. i cant believe people credit me as messing up halo when in reality i helped save it.
  16. this is what happens when con resigners are released -.-
  17. Lol i knew this was going to happen when i gave this out. Tis a fun map to play on. Purple Reign coming soon.
  18. TheEazyB


    actually we can do it while online....
  19. you CAN because it is against TOS, but you most likely wont.
  20. actuallly its only one modded .xex made for halo 3. and as for finding a dev build, you can very simply make one or i can help you if you really cant figure it out.
  21. right, i only have one and im only friends with the creators of the halo 3 modding tools and know how they were made. 'stfu' isnt a very good arguement. Prove me wrong or take your own advice and 'stfu'.
  22. possible, but itll probably be part of the bsp.
  23. technically, they arent when you sign it with the dev key, its no longer considered modded because it becomes its own signed entity
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