This is a tutorial on how to get a hotmail account on the ipod touch or the iphone. Please not this was not made by me but it was tested by me. iPhone Settings for Hotmail, MSN, etc. First step: Register with IzyMail here. Next step: Configure Mail as outlined below. The screenshot were taken with version 2.2 of the iPhone software. Older versions may look slightly different but will also work. Open the Mail application and tap on Other. When entering your Hotmail address, append an extra X at the end. Enter your Hotmail password, then tap [save]. The extra X helps to override some incorrectly predefined iPhone settings and will force the IMAP/POP selection buttons to appear. For fast and easy email download, tap POP. IMAP is possible, but tends to be slow and more complex to handle. Remove the extra X from the email address. Tap [return] twice. Enter the incoming server name Your email address is also your user name. Enter the outgoing server name Your email address is also your user name. The password is your Hotmail password. Tap [save]. The iPhone will try to verify the settings which may take up to 60 sec. After it may take up to 5 mins to load all your mail but after that its all ready to use.
I think that in the downloads section of the site there should be a halo 3 section aswell as the halo 2 section. This is just a suggestion but post what you guys think. It could have apps for modding, .map files and usermaps.