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Everything posted by Lewie4

  1. Cannot Be Displayed
  2. Chimera = 1337 1337 = Pwned Pwned = Everything but Sligstorm Everything but Sligstorm = 1337 And so on and so forth
  3. When you say u have it hooked up do u mean you are bridging or are using a treanser kit (XSATA, XPORT, XPLODER)?
  4. Lewie4

    3d Japs

    Lol thats magic
  5. Does anyone know how to do it?
  6. If some has super modders profile tool can they post it in VIP please
  7. i think mines ok
  8. wow i heard mine was fast but yours is like double
  9. Cannot Be Displayed Dont worry i've fixed it And how do you do it?
  10. Or antother option make athrun staff
  11. I use Internet explorer at school and at home but i use Opera on my wii and my phone
  12. Nice im downloading now
  13. Woo athrun zala
  14. Hi random man/woman
  15. Can you post a link to the video please
  16. Halo wars
  17. Yeh Ibotz rules
  18. Yeh I was an accident. Lol
  19. Lewie4


    I dont get it. That might just be cos my speakers are broke.
  20. Lewie4


    Whaleplane FTW
  21. I've never heard of you but nice to meet you
  22. U will be doing a SPG and everyone has done that
  23. Yeh we are looking for a way to get it non legit
  24. What makes you think that?
  25. He's right there but it would still be cool to have a gold clan tag
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