Egg description: ---------------- Water dragon - This egg is sitting in a shallow puddle. Gaurdian dragon - This egg is sitting in front of the others. Magi dragon - This egg has an orange aura radiating from it. Mint dragon - This egg is hidden behind the others, as if it is shy. Green dragon - This egg is sitting in a pile of small pebbles. Skywing dragon - This egg has strange markings on it. White dragon - This egg has a very clean look. It's completely devoid of dirt and scratches. Red dragon - This egg is rather warm. Purple dragon - Wow, purple isn't a color of egg you expected to see. Black dragon - This egg has a faint green glow around it. Gray dragon - This egg is surrounded by fog. Pink dragon - It's bright. And pink. Dark Green dragon - This egg is sitting in a patch of grass and small flowers even though there's no sun in the cave. Gold dragon - This egg is very reflective, almost metallic looking. Silver dragon - This egg gives off a beautiful glow Stone dragon - This egg is heavy and rough, as if it were made out of rock. Two headed dragon - This egg is split down the middle into two colors. Paper dragon - It is made out of paper, and is so small and light or domething that says folded pieces of paper. Chicken - This egg is a third the size of the other eggs. Yellow dinosaur - This egg looks like it doesn't belong, it is brightly colored with white spots. It's much heavier than the other eggs. Red dinosaur - This egg looks like it doesn't belong, it is brightly colored with white spots. It's much warmer than the rest of the eggs. Blue dinosaur - This egg looks like it doesn't belong, it is brightly colored with white spots. It's much lighter than the other eggs. Green dinosaur - This egg looks like it doesn't belong, it is brightly colored with white spots. Times Where Eggs Can Be Usaully Be Found: ----------------------------------------- I have noticed for the past 5 days that at the times of 4-7 am the cave or abandoned eggs keep having a steady amount of eggs.But your best bet is to go on at 1-4 am if it's possible because the obvious reason is no one is on. Get over more then 4 Eggie: ------------------------------ If you got four dragons Eggie, if you got female dragon and breed with a male and you get a other egg and then you with have five egg try it out its 5 to over eggie, in joy this cheat, female can breed once a week. Heres the link to the pic->
Some noob doesnt know that u need to download programs to mod Then slip joins in
The calender does not work but it is still is the bar at the top under the forum logo. Is this still meant to be here? Also I think that if it is not working the admin should try to get it working.