this is the biggest problem on this site. It fails now New staff= good Site now = fail Its a waste of time everyone being here. There are only staff, VIP and geeks here now. It used to be good but now its **** S7 = fail Blueshadows = fail and now sadly Ibotmodz = fail
Joined: 5th June 08 Other Aliases: what are aliases? Posts: 424 thats (1.29 per day) Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): I dont think so Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: all of them. But i cant contribute alot atm got loads of tests Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: Im not to botherd about it aslong as only VIP has it
i dont think you can make a bot for it. you would need a dev kit if im not mistaken. also there are modded controlers you connect to you xbox and pc and it plays it for you
L4D survival mode and dead air and death toll campaigns on versus comes out on tuesday 21st april for free Im not sure what survival mode is but its pritty obvious what the campain in versus mode is
No what he is saying is that he doesnt want that to happen so he isnt going to make a elite vip section because then all the non vip would leave because the rest of the site was nothing special I think
Two reasons for me 1. I donated for it 2. Since coming back to the site I have had over 370 votes in like the last 3 months 3. I am on more than 3 hours virtually every day 4. I have helped a few new members learn to mod 5. I do not spam or flame 6. I make more than one post a day