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Everything posted by Lewie4

  1. Lewie4

    My cat

    My cat got stuck in a glass http://www.hotfunnyclub.com/swf/catinacup.jpg
  2. My sister has a bong eye
  3. I like this one http://i48.servimg.com/u/f48/13/58/81/16/face_p11.jpg
  4. I am add GOATS ARE KOOL
  5. Can i help test it?
  6. Lewie4


    He gave me one cos he loves me
  7. Lewie4

    My Website

    Of course I accept luls LOL
  8. I'm so stupid
  9. **** is filtered Edit: oh thats cos I was just pressing the * button
  10. I'll test it and post what i think
  11. How did he get the sword like that?
  12. http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/3779/assasinscreed2.gif Heres the pic at the end and after i reflected it
  13. Lewie4

    My Website

  14. Lewie4


    Heres a comarison of the "new" and the old http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/halo/images/thumb/9/9f/Beforeandafter.jpg/800px-Beforeandafter.jpg
  15. Lewie4

    My Website

    I have had this for a while but say what you think of it. My site -> www.lewiesmodz.forumotion.net
  16. U should make it red not blue. Red=Win! Blue=Fail!
  17. It is a bad trailer. That might be becuase i done have sound but you never know. Any idea what the REAL realese date is?
  18. Lewie4

    halo3 beta

    Realy u can mod the halo 3 beta on a dev?
  19. I bet Norton and macafee couldnt stop it. My friend got it and he has loads of antiviruses
  20. I like it but it looks too big
  21. Lewie4

    halo3 beta

    NO you cant but you can try and fail if u want
  22. Is there a way u can give it 2 somebody?
  23. You get the flaming hog and the honour guard wraith for halo wars if you pre order the legendary edition of it
  24. There is no way to get it off and keep it off you can only do as dan has said and un tick the box for each app
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