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Everything posted by Lewie4

  1. Lewie4


    Heres antother one
  2. no i dont think you can
  3. Lewie4

    Shoutbox Rules

    Yay some rules
  4. No keep it in the normal place it looks better
  5. Lewie4

    Ds Roms

    Because u dont have it lol I have one
  6. Lewie4

    Ds Roms

    Yes your little brother
  7. You cant do it but you can change what it looks like in lobby with the UM changer app
  8. Theres been people spamming it. What sad lives they must have
  9. That would be pritty 1337
  10. Yay im on too
  11. How do i fail? NUB
  12. Yeh i make 200 mill an hour and bill gates is my dad and pamla anderson is my mum
  13. Does this mean with a dev you could drive it?
  14. Nice. I already have them. Where you get the codes from?
  15. Come to England and u can fight Fat Lee
  16. 10/10 - Sandbox 6/10 - Orbital 2/10 Assembely
  17. LOL u havent broke 200 bones in your body......Have you?
  18. Lewie4

    Who will win?

    Its not a normal cat its cabooses cat noob
  19. No not yet
  20. There are 2 dates 14th of April or when ODST comesout
  21. We know its not real but its funny
  22. I got them legit a day before they came out
  23. Sorry to bump an old topic but this sounds cool
  24. As in this post: Athrun Global mod He uses google chrome to change the text color. does anyone know how to do it?
  25. I did it yesterday but i couldnt get all the way under just to the bottom of the grav lift thing but not under
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