Haven't been here in so long. Hopefully with the Xbox one and PS4 just being released iBotModz could become what it used to be. Granted many of the old guys wont be around but its one of the sites that could stand a chance to get a decent sized community going again
It has a 2007 word file in with all the turorials you need to mod .map files Includes: 1. Setting up how to .map mod Halo 3 2. Play as Covenant in campaign 3. Vehicle Mods 1. Really fast warthog 2. Make anything drivable 3. Make a Wraith Hog/ Tank Hog 4. Weapon Mods 1. Change weapon projectiles 2. Full auto 3. Unlimited ammo 4. Weapon Damage 5. Projectile Speed 5. Character Mods 1. Super Jump 2. Super Speed 3. Climb Walls 4. Invincibility 5. How to change character model 6. Map Mods 1. Move Death Barriers 2. Edit in-game messages 3. Change items in forge menu 7. Graphic Mods 1. Swap Model Shader 2. Swap BSP Shaders Made by myself and Jared777 Ultimate Halo 3 .Map Modding Tutorial.rar
Hey Guys this aio has omost everything! Avitar Skin modder Gamer Picture injector 2.0 Halo 3 Armor Bright White adder! Etc all the new programs and much much more! Virus, detected by iBotPeaches. Read post below for more info.
Ok guys i just baught this program and i thaught i would release it how to use it open Type url in textbox Put ut on Port 81 then go down to Userlist.txt and clear that and type the username Then Go to the top and hit Go! If virus total throws it for ever reason, I throw it. ~Staff
I've tried that but i got a new save today so i'll try that EDIT: Im feeling nice so here's the save with my ID's personal000000004A2592751.rar EDIT2: I've Tried it and you start out the map in a load of smoke and you cant play the video in theater
so do i just open this with the campaign save resigner and just resign it with my I.D's? And do i Rename it or do anything or delete my old save? Help would be appreciated Oh and what level was this done on?
this is soooo confusing. So can i just take a normal campain save then mod it then resign it with this or does it have to be off a dev then i just resign it with my ID's
add: messenger: wiseln@hotmail.co.uk aim: lewie is king or lewieisking (not sure) GT: GOATS ARE KOOL and i'll probally be checking up next we sum time so dont ban me C U later kiddies P.S can i get unbanned from the Chatbox please im sorry FE is 1337