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Everything posted by Lewie4

  1. Lewie4

    My birthday

    Im 15 now :):):):):) Anyone thats wants to send me a Microsoft Points feel free
  2. Lewie4

    Make me a sig

    I no have the most 1337 sig ever
  3. Or a ->
  4. I dont think anyone is a ******* in the cbox apart from all the sad little noobs who make up stuff or spam
  5. In family settings Log in on your parents account and change the settings
  6. I have Internet Explorer 8
  7. Lewie4


    Ya 14 ftw until the 4th then 15 ftw
  8. Im getting one on saturday help me 2 child
  9. Lewie4


    Its my Birthday on Saturday :):):):):):):)
  10. I min i'll check Yep guy
  11. What browers r u using?
  12. OMG im a global mod im going to ban u all EDIT: Im not a mod lol
  13. Lewie4

    Hack Test

    Is this real im confused
  14. Yay 3 days till my birthday
  15. Lewie4

    Make me a sig

    It is pritty 1337
  16. I like it but its really hard
  17. Lewie4

    I can has 200 posts
  18. I agree if we could find enough of them to make it worth our while
  19. It says that to everyone so i bet its an april fools joke
  20. Sounds like a good idea
  21. Are you doing it right?
  22. When it asks you do you want to purcase press A. Just after it has loaded the price it will pop up saying free where the price is for a second. Press A then. It will take a few second and will say added to active downloads. Look at your MS points it is still the same as before
  23. Lewie4

    Make me a sig

    Can someone make me a sig. I made a few but they are fails. They can be anything aslong as they have Lewie4 in
  24. Do you only get one map?
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