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Everything posted by Lewie4

  1. Wow that maps looks awsome. How much is it?
  2. Lewie4

    5$ Contest

    Are these 4 differnet sum's or just one long one?
  3. When do the snowblind maps come out?
  4. Sorry if that was confusing I dont mind just give me credit
  5. The only glitches i know are the ones i have found like out of orbital and under sandbox
  6. When do the new maps come out?
  7. I dont mind just give me credit
  8. Here is a load of halo wars saves that you can compare and experiment on. There is one of each level. http://rapidshare.com/files/213260197/Halo_Wars.rar.html
  9. Lewie4


    What is this meant to be?
  10. Lew-ie-4 Lol i had to join in
  11. Laptops FTW
  12. I like penuts?
  13. What do u mean you protected the con?
  14. Lewie4


    I stand corrected
  15. Cannot Be Displayed Cannot Be Displayed
  16. Lewie4


    You can only SPG how much of the game you have complited and its not for all games
  17. I dont play that much. Its mainly when my live is down and i wanna go on my xbox lol
  18. Can you post your save please
  19. Its easy lol
  20. Yeh if your on there dont vote for yourselves
  21. Year 1917 (MCMXVII) was a common year starting on Monday OMG
  22. I have 3 votes Who voted for me?
  23. Everyone vote here -> http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=12298 This can be locked
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