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Everything posted by Lewie4

  1. Only VIP should have the 1337 dragons
  2. That only happens to me when im logged in on two places like my laptop and im ipod
  3. I have just finished making a program on VB and i want to know how to turn it into a .exe or whether just to use the one in the debug folder? and do I just send the .exe to them?
  4. Thanks Slip
  5. I keep getting a error message when im trying to make a program that sends emails saying "'EnableSs1' is not a member of 'System.Net.Mail.SmptClient'." what do I do?
  6. Heres a fully unlocked save so you dont need to mod it RE5_Full_unlock.rar
  7. Lewie4

    fable 2 mods

    I know this is like a year old but I never knew you could mod it
  8. This happened to me before aswell But I had bad lag and only i could see it
  9. 95% of teens would cry if they saw the Jonas Brothers at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this EVERYWHERE if you are in the 5% that would shout 'Jump assholes
  10. Ya make it good so the people in the UK and ireland can play
  11. Ya monster FTW
  12. Lewie4


    Im rubbish. My top trick is 12,758 and my best competition is score is 180,808
  13. I like it. Put your name on it
  14. I agree.....Who?
  15. Wow your name is ibotmodz
  16. Is there one of these on every tower?
  17. Omg how did u do that?
  18. I only ever used this skin
  19. I voted yes for all
  20. Who would pay for VIP. :cough: :cough:
  21. Lewie4

    My cat

  22. This is the best one yet
  23. All u do is unlock all then save profile Its not hard lol
  24. U dont need a hash blocker it has a built in reahser/resigner
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