its fake because it says if these codes dont work for you(which they dont) leve us an email with your gamertag email and password and wil add it your account . lol
ya i know but cant complain wid those download speeds lol plus i never upload expect pics great for gamming as i hava a pc, 3 laptops and other shit using enternet all at onece
but dont you see that you will mke a great profit at the end of the day you will have made 1000's of dollars in profit with your jtag and also increase trafic to the site,
well i only pay for 20mb and usually recive 15mb test 2 test 3 diffrent server further away
for one those 360s last abot 3 days rather than 30 min two i suggest peaches holds them and charge about $10 a person. if he can hold enough lobbies he should be making around $1200 a month. $50 for a new keyvolt.