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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. its fake because it says if these codes dont work for you(which they dont) leve us an email with your gamertag email and password and wil add it your account . lol
  2. fair pont but the only online mods you see are 10th and all chalanges done god mod or any arent sold
  3. hay mc gets 50 mb i dont know what your talking about
  4. jmdalmighty

    New Game

    well i opend a shopl in this game but it isnt going well hardly any customers and stupid people keep going to next door shops to buy jtags
  5. never laged always host
  6. ya i know but cant complain wid those download speeds lol plus i never upload expect pics great for gamming as i hava a pc, 3 laptops and other shit using enternet all at onece
  7. rep? will fine ill stop updating the accounts btw im sorry i didnt know whats happning
  8. doubt it there will be a new way soon after that
  9. but dont you see that you will mke a great profit at the end of the day you will have made 1000's of dollars in profit with your jtag and also increase trafic to the site,
  10. lol i has fibre optic provider
  11. well i only pay for 20mb and usually recive 15mb http://www.speedtest.net/result/770723312.png test 2 http://www.speedtest.net/result/770728436.png test 3 diffrent server further away http://www.speedtest.net/result/770731422.png
  12. So as promised i just had it dilivred
  13. but you can buy more
  14. Lol at all of u I bet if they releaced this movie on bnet you would all watch it
  15. I'm sorry but this should get approved by a mod or admin then he should host 3 free lobbies then and only then he should be allowed to sell on IBM
  16. ur choice but i loved it
  17. i thatught it was halirious(i think thats how u spell it) i would pay to see the whole movie
  18. for one those 360s last abot 3 days rather than 30 min two i suggest peaches holds them and charge about $10 a person. if he can hold enough lobbies he should be making around $1200 a month. $50 for a new keyvolt.
  19. fake and gay
  20. **** it he should move to mexico
  21. Halo Chess lol that would be fun but its fake
  22. wtf this guy is crazy he jsut might kill us all for talking about him. i suggest he runs to mexico
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