i wanted to do some bio shock 2 mods but the only tool out is for modio and its vip so if any one is vip there or knows of other mods plz reply and i will return the favour i have vip for 7 sins and other stuff.
i suggest you buy a special kit of ebay for $7 and use the tut it comes with my friend did it 2 years ago and no problems yet. ill look for a link and post it for you. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=110474056175&Category=139969&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26its%3DI%26otn%3D2
First of all you will need a transfer kit of some sort and and xplorer or xport 360. Plus modern tool... Modern Tool.exe or use modio First of all you need to find your profile for mw2 and drag the savegame.svg file to your desktop. Then open up modern tool and edit the files you want donât click to many as when it comes down to rehashing it wonât work. I suggest unlimited health and supper jumping. resign and rehash and put it back it to your console. To make it work in spec ops what you have to do is press resume and then save and exit then start any new mission on any difficulty and aging press save and quit then go into spec ops and it will work know. (I believe only supper jump and unlimited life works on spec ops).
lets see well im doing human bio, chemestry and english at highst levels possable before uni and secod highst maths. and im hopping to go to uni next year to study further chemestry
im with you thare but still the mythic cd is good frees up space on your hardrive even though i got an ilete btw i completed campign in one and a half hour on legendry