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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. miss you all, if you have vip check out my new thread
  2. been awhile looking through all the post and users reminds me of my childhood and for that i thank you peaches, it was deffently fun GOD sooo many good memmorys although its a shame we never got the chance to evolve and halo modding died.
  3. O wow I knew it would happen one day but didn't expect it anytime soon I loved the site it was amazing first site I ever joined. You will all be missed greatly. Goodby.
  4. http://www.speedtest.net/iphone/118321851.png
  5. I'll have a look once I get home I've still got over 300 modding tools for H2
  6. He's the admin of the anonymous site he has nothing to do with lulzsec he know everything that the FBI want to know though.
  7. I'll conform sumthing for you, acording to pnet microsft will announce that alan wake 2 Will be kennect compatable.
  8. Just follow the thread.
  9. All wired up. With heatsinks ontop and bottom of ram,CPU,and witless chip thingy. (pro slang am I right) http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/4dcdde7d.jpg All finished http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/ef64dedc.jpg Decided to change the LEDs around on the final product so now wifi=White then it goes blue,red,pink,yellow Getting about 3mb per antenna still need to test distance speed test shows slower but seems faster and still streams videos extremely fast if not faster so not so sure. Need to do some more tinkering,port forwarding and a little more stuff. It allows me to set up a hotsot which will give me $25 a month min and if people use it will give me more. I have two more routers which I will set up as repeaters to give me more range. And an extra $25 each so in tottal $75+a month not bad at all. (for doing jack shit) Also will be upgrading my connection from 10mb-50mb which will give me a new router/super hub and I will set this up as a repeater for that. And another $25 lol So I nice $100 a month which can pay for my Internet bill lol
  10. Updated my router thread,give me your opinion and feedback.
  11. A little update just changed all the LEDs;(this is all on the test router,just to make sure nothing goes wrong with the main one, I have also flashed the main one successfully, I need to do some more work on the antennas and fan but is working well so far) http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/d1e83cb5.jpg Wifi~from green-->yellow Pc one~green--->blue Pc 2~green-------->red http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/dc6a4fc7.jpg Pc 3~green-->pink Pc 4~green--->White White and blue seem to over power the colours they are beside maybe change the ordering of the colours in the final router? Thoughts?
  12. Y am I so cool?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Randomrocket
    3. Slidell
    4. Slidell


      I've been mean to your status updates recently. I don't know why, weird.
  13. They had cams on there helmets I'm sure they can take some stills of the video they recorded.
  14. No its a 12v fan running on <5v so it shouldn't be loud. ? I'm not sure what tx power is? It let's me increase the ghz from 20 to 40 is that good? lol If I manage to get my main router to the custom firmware do you think you could teamviewer me and help me set up some of the functions.
  15. So got ddrw2 working on my test router. Â But I think we have a major set back http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/97d69783.jpg
  16. Will my router runs 24/7 so why not have something to cool it? Why go modest when you can go big 8=============> I will be boosting power to almost max. Can't find a firmware And the fan runs at a very low voltage almost 1.5 so there will be no noise.
  17. Actually it allows you to increase the power input and signal strength to you antennas. At stock there at 200ghz after overclock it allows it to goto 400ghz it's recommended not to go obove 260 but my extra antennas will take the up and should keep it interference free. And it allow you to connect to 14 rather than 4 pc great for p2p. The processor handles information almost twice as fast. Slightly starts up heating more so all this cooling stuff will be used. I'm sure I'm missing stuff out but yah all those benefits are alot more than pointless.
  18. Ya but you can still buy broken routers of eBay for cheap and harvest parts of them
  19. I will but currently hitting small speed bumps. I will make a tut at the end so you can make one your self
  20. So a little update just finished the case http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/4f385308.jpg What it should look like when finished? http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/e59eab94.jpg Extra cooling, 5 ram heatsinks 1 for every chip 2for the CPU, those bandage thingys under the xbox I'll put them under all the chips. It will give it elevation so I have more room for the extra wiring and maybe more cooler? http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/3a28625c.jpg All the chips The one around the heat shield is CPU? http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/12d5ff08.jpg Possible final look of the mobo? http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/9a7d2bbb.jpg
  21. Im having trouble finding a compatable firmware, dd-wrt supports my D-link dir615 v1,2,3 I have version 4 which is the latest I think so I don't want to flash d3 firmware incase I brick it. Also there will be 5 antennas and I will bump up the power to them to full so I know there will be alot of heat on my project.
  22. So I have a few extra routers laying around because my ISP gives out free routers,hubs,adapters if you need them. (virgin media) After the summer I'll be upgrading my package in which none of these routers will be able to handle(they will provide me with a super hub) http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/2ffb12f3.jpg So I thought I would have a little fun with my extra routers, so I took apart all the extra routers and desoldered the antennas. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/cbdcc8b1.jpg Knowing when the router is overclocked it will run much hotter I worked out some points on a same but extra router in which I could run a fan off. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/10e5be1b.jpg So now I have a D-link DIR 615 v.D4 With a 80mm fan and 5 antennas. Overkill Still working on it so no pics of that just yet. So here's whare yous come In I need help finding a suitable firmware to run it all on. http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/d-link/dir-615 So on that site my router has a 4mb flash which I comparable with all Fimwares(the flash not the router itself) So heres whare the problem layes Im having trouble finding a comparable firmware which is designed for my current project. If the router is compatable it is bricked and beyond repair. All common and good firmware http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/D-Link http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Tomato_Firmware I want the teddy bair mod it provides the most extra features, I can test any firmware once as I have two dir-615 but Im not sure what version the first ones is.
  23. Could be your router mine was laggy as **** for the last two days called up my ISP ran a few tests turns out my router is dying but there shipping me a new one for free
  24. Banned for host booting your self.
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