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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. I want a cut lol
  2. If I burn the iso of a game onto my hardrive using a offline account on my jtag will I get banned at the next ban wave if I take that hardrive and go online on my main account and my main console which has no flashed harddrive DVD drive lol
  3. So I finished flashing my DVD drve is there a way I can test this without buying double sidided DVDs Another thing is I wanna be able to host modded zombies for people(free) but don't want my elete getting banned so if I burn the iso onto my hardrive using a offline account on my jtag then stick my hardrive onto my consle and play with a ligit copy of the game from hardrive chance of ban ? 7th console so not wanting to get a new one lol fing rrod
  4. I'm not intrested I have one of my own I'll upload pic later but they are extermly aginst going online with jtags and after all that mw2 shit they will never realise one too the public unless it gets leaked there will not be a new one
  5. If adding a printer or new apps on the pc then my one changes everyday
  6. epic! i wont be able to play it
  7. $2 and an unexpired condom plus xbr has stated they will never make an update as they don't support jtag going online there will be higher chance of the consle being sold if out can go online.
  8. I envy u all I've had the same pc for 3years
  9. Yup you can provide links though. But i guess this is ok as he's just providing programs and not movies
  10. No you don't that was removed
  11. You might want to put freebot v0.031 on there so it can go online
  12. $1.25 shipped?
  13. I wanna see
  14. YouTube link plx on iPhone 3g internet now it won't load up
  15. Like he'll they have alot of money they just spend there money on uselles crap like buying 5 50 inch flat screen tvs but all they have on them is ******* pictures of fing events and timtables WTF. They also have Smart boards in every class but still don't buy new books all there computers are high tech and run of personal servers.
  16. I want rockets and a sniper from start
  17. Your opnion hurt my fealings thus the negative rep sorry . Here's some + rep to make it up <3
  18. What arE you talking most massive compines run on mac is and macs my school has mac computer Touchscreen tableet thingys.
  19. 31 is better as it allows banned profiles to go online and memmory checks or sum shit like that
  20. It's illegal to use it against people. And when it was being built anti air was in mind it can serve multiple peropuses though.
  21. The 50. Cal is made for anti air I like to us the M21 wid a sclincer plus a modded controler super fun in search when every one looks at the final killcam
  22. The gfx on the shield are preaty
  23. stfu
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