Just because you slept with my mum it dosent make her your girlfriend I'm gonna tell my dad and he's gonna kick your ass let's see how your stamnia does then you prick. Jk.
just download from the internet and stick on to your hardrive or download on your regular 360 and copy to your desktop and transfer that way. sorry if that dosent help dont have a fully jtag yet.
lol paeches way is the best i suggest if you are trying to get nukes you learn all the spawn noob tube places i once got a nuke under 2 min of ground war on wasteland all yyou have to do is make a class with any assult riffle (i suggest m16 or fam) and one man army claymore danger close and ninja(dont wanna come up on heart beat) noob tube from star 4+kill easly go to a high trafic area and just noob tube from far one man army to get unlimited. use kill streak reward harrier choppa guna and nuke(lol amigne you forget to put on the nuke) anaway wait untill your harrier goes down even if it get you your choppa gunner, this give allot more kills,and lets say by the end of chopa gunna u get 24 kill one man army to a class with hard line and bam easy nuke.
dont want to advertise but there are multipul sellers that sell xneons for $99 and zhyprs for $120 now these consles are banned but what use is an unbanned now anyway, those prices include shipping
so i want a ps3 most of my real life friends have ps3 i have an xbox i dont want to go out and buy one so is there anyone here that has a ps3 and wants to trade must be uk as i want a pal model. Post here if you have one and ill make you an offer