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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. 100 dollars r u stupid or carzy u can get a new xbox for that much
  2. oh well i havent been on the halo scene for a while and or on my xbox cant wit untill im unbanned(from praients not ms) 2 more months
  3. bungie has realsed alot of new info check it out http://www.bungie.net/projects/reach/article.aspx?ucc=playlists&cid=25234
  4. whr is that
  5. i have
  6. jmdalmighty

    pay pal

    how do u transfer money from your pay pal acconut to your bank account
  7. illmake it £21 if you buy both
  9. no one cares your are unexperinced and over charging there are much better peopl out ther charging way less
  10. im gusing re installing everything is not an option
  11. you dont remove anything or add any new buttons it runs off the curent sinc butten and has memory even if you remove battery pack
  12. super bump
  13. double bump
  14. Fully built rapid fire board With Self update 3.5GT No one else as created a mod quite the same as this one........Please see list of feature and compare Rapid Board Features * Rapid fire on both left and right trigger/s no external switches to fit (Stealth) * When rapid fire active led blinks to show speed * Rapid fire enable/disable indication (led ring) * Rapid fire mode change , Mode 1 â 4 (indicated on led ring with flashes) * Only 5 or 7 wires to fit (depending if you want left trigger or not) * Saves mode state even when battery removed * Update Mode built in, if your game gets updated then update your pad (update with button presses no programming needed) * Games tested with are COD 3 ,COD 4 , COD 5 ,COD 6 HALO 3 , GEARS OF WAR 2, 50 Cent. (on-line and off-line) Other mods do not work on COD 5 on-line this will. Works on COD 4 September update (see video bellow) This board works on all versions of Microsoft wireless controller all board versions. THIS KIT USES SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY WE HAVE DESIGNED THE PCB LAYOUT TO BE AS SMALL AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW YOU TO FIT THE MOD IN THE CONTROLLER WITHOUT REMOVING ONE OR EVEN TWO OF THE VIBRATION MOTORS.. USING SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY MEANS ITS SMALL , USES LESS BATTERY LIFETO STOP BATTERY DRAIN , EASY TO FIT JUST Five or Severn WIRES TO SOLDER AND SEVERN SCREWS TO TAKE THE PAD APART. You get everything needed to add an additional rapid fire capabilities to your controller wires and board. along with two very detailed fitting instructions (see bellow for link). IM looking for only £11 paypal only. i have 2 for sale.
  15. whr do u live us or uk
  16. sevin sins or u can buy my jtagable consle for £100 plus dilivery proof can be provided
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