There is one but there not a wide range of people using it if there was one that every one could use u would be able to sell your stuff faster and buy what you need cheaper as there would be compatation.
Yes a B/S/T section
so i tried to do this but failed because of the final step of adding hot glue i f ed it up at that point and had trouble re doing bacause im just triger happy. so here is a link of what i tried to do if someone is confindent they can do it plz leave a responce and there price i will chose the most troust worhty person.
Thers not much u can do to get console banned if you are nodding maps etc they can't catch u if mod your gammer score realy high they will reset it to zero so don't worry.
How about the battle field bad company 2 VIP dlc i have seen people sell it and not the codes they say that they figured out a way to make it special eddition.
So this is really simple but a great method Iâm pretty sure somebody has already figured this out but here it goes. well lets start by heading over to you safari then ibm Then sign in. scrool to the bottom then it will say this click on it. should look like sumthing like this now. you also have the ablity to do all you can on your pc. Hit the little + button. Touch whare it says Add to home screen. Wait a little then press add. it should look like this now and you are done.(wel you will have diffrent apps, if your divice is jailbroken you can custmize the logo.