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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. Ya that's why u use internet download manager it does all the work for you and you can stop pause live downloading and restart at the precentge you left at whn u last downloaded I personally can download a 800mb file under 2 min
  2. But u make a cool robot suit ensted and escape
  3. We make it in real life u live in the uk right so we meat up I take the card pay off the money u owe then u has it back
  4. Lol apple built any serious gamming equipment yet mac are realy built for bussness and music designers
  5. Omg 15 days until iron man 2 if you haven't seen the first one i suggest you go look it up or die in a cave.
  6. I'll take the credit card
  7. iTunes would be the same thing as the xbox live market place
  8. Wast realy inTrested cause. It's not pal it was just a jk
  9. You could alwas put it up on eBay or give it to me for free and maybe I'll give u a litle sumthing sumthing.
  10. Or they can design it will and make sure they cover all their flaws unlike xbox
  11. Will by play all games I ment that it would have the harware and I'm preaty sure they can afford to buy plenty for their consles another thing is there hardware does will with the software the design for it.
  12. Y it could be ablE to load all games others will as it would probly have better hardware
  13. Aww you guys make me sad f uck the wii who rely take it serious as a console and the only reson it sold so much is because it's cheap.
  14. So in my opnion Apple is not far away from making a gamming meachine to join other bigger compinies such a Microsoft and Sony. Obviosly it will be ridicoulsy over priced and sence the wii is strugling to compete with PS3 and the Xbox. Than makes a place for a new consol so what this thread is about is what you would like to see if you were to get it. So go wild extra points for anyone whom make a possable picture of it lol.
  15. Send it back for reapirs?
  16. Lol fail I doubt VIP will be given out to whom sell good
  17. Mega powned
  18. Curtis I'm preaty sure you can't link him to a warez site just change to the link they provide
  19. Sorry not intrested any more I would have made you an offer for a pal consle.
  20. Is it uk or us
  21. Also make sure you have the latest version of .netframeworks installed try turning your antivirous of when you do it and if that dosent work make sure you have the right version of xplorer because some don't support the 60gb hardrive you use if that dosent work try the modio transfer app or xport. If none of this works post what size of harddrive you are using what apps it dosent work with and the version of windows you are counntrly using hope this helped.
  22. auth test
  23. I would be down with that
  24. Last bump because people keep bumping old topics.
  25. Well zhenya if that's all the friends you think I have I'm a bit disipontiend can someone close this plz it's old and i don't want it turning in to a flamming thread
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