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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. no fare i wanted one you had to get 100s
  2. didnt get one
  3. reply added for the sidewinder
  4. i has it check out my pc joke
  5. It does work in the uk A little info SKU #: (12850ID5088) sr# 3HA-00001 you will need these plus the pid for the sidewinderx8 mouse
  6. I vouch for grunt. I bought of him and all went well can upload pic of proof if wanted.
  7. nah 360 slim equals more red rings then ever
  8. teddyrock
  9. agree also ther probly wont beone as its not as popular
  10. hay those r mine we agreed on it
  11. lol @ scared
  12. thanks got all detials
  13. ill buy rest later
  14. it worked like a charm but any idea whare to get SR #: and a SKU Code:
  15. get a life
  16. he plays everyday and hes a close friend in real life
  17. wow kid shut up you dont know what you are taking about a friend did same trick and his xbox has been working for over 2 years so that prove you wrong and im not charging for this soo just go get a life im not starting a flame war with you dont post your stupid negative comments here
  18. thermal paste and other shit.
  19. I have a lots of stuff i baught left form when i fixed one of my consles im willing to fix rrod/el4 error for free. But you will have to pay for postage to me and back to you. if you like the work done i will ladly take ms points or something
  20. i live in uk will they send me one i might buy all the keys if i get a good deal
  21. by normal xbox does that mean it doesnt have to be flashed because i have an unmodfied xbox 1 which is the orignal xbox with no updates what so ever laying aroud some whare.
  22. i belive a flame war is about to take place
  23. do not do the penny trick i suggets you make sure the screws are proply tightint and install an extra fan plus removing factory fan and replacing them with some xcm fans alltogher between £35-£50
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