wow kid shut up you dont know what you are taking about a friend did same trick and his xbox has been working for over 2 years so that prove you wrong and im not charging for this soo just go get a life im not starting a flame war with you dont post your stupid negative comments here
I have a lots of stuff i baught left form when i fixed one of my consles im willing to fix rrod/el4 error for free. But you will have to pay for postage to me and back to you. if you like the work done i will ladly take ms points or something
by normal xbox does that mean it doesnt have to be flashed because i have an unmodfied xbox 1 which is the orignal xbox with no updates what so ever laying aroud some whare.
do not do the penny trick i suggets you make sure the screws are proply tightint and install an extra fan plus removing factory fan and replacing them with some xcm fans alltogher between £35-£50