@halo unless you cant read I already stated that I'm tight for money it would cost me about $90 shipped to you and back plus your $55 makes $145 I don't have that much money to waste.
whare i cant send it to microsoft and im broke so halo3 shitty service can be crossed off. All i can do right now is sell my kv that should get me at least $100
will they arnt built to be opend if they break they are built to be binned i found that that was the best way to fix it for free. you didnt have to buy a new battery even with all the flaws its still money saved i personally use the astro a40 gamming system
simple led replacment on the rol board This is one of my 3 uber modded controlers, mod one is it has 3 diffrent leds u can only see 2 in the pic but player 3&4 have pink leds when the ripid fire chip is activated. This isnt finished yet as ive been having soo many problems with this console it has a flashed drive and is jtagable controler 2 controler 3 i have an elete but that has 3years of extended warenty on it so no fun there
Tut? I looked on YouTube and all I could find was the shifty pinny trick is the hana chips the one with the bandaids on them under the board? If so I so f ucked my self over couse I removed them and didn't replace them with any thing.
I might get the sparten one peaches can you allow the app to allow people to submit there own content and that content will come into the app if somone tests it ie user upoads pre order file through poma tester logs into poma and tests if it works clicking the conform button will make a update for poma saying that there's something to be updated.
I can't send it in it's jtagable and I've opens up the 360 aww I baught all these xcm shit which is comming tmrw edit if I did the temp fix and stuck sum new more powerfull fans in there will it do the job how big are the solder balls on the gpu can it be resoldred by anyone?
I got one light of death it said it was error code E74 the console has had rrod before but after it was fixed no trouble I think it's from a bad flash I did on the drive because it was fine before it. So what i want to know is; is the console dead? Or just a bad flash? Can a bad flash be fixed without buying a new drive? Is there anyone exprinced in flashing drives that can help me?
But why would you want a larger friends list I had the full hundred and then I romoved all the randoms and are down to the 40s out of them I only play and talk to about 20 so realy larger friend list is gonna be negative as let's say they increase it to 300 I don't want a f ucking message every second telling me there's someone new online WTF I rather have the ablity to play halo 2 and burnout revenge rather than the new crap they will give us