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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. They should have gave everbody codes rather than the ingame menu thing
  2. You can but you wolb be banned and that's just a waste of a kv also you could always do system link with a leaf seatup to alllow you to play with people near u
  3. jmdalmighty


    That would be perfect how about in three hours
  4. jmdalmighty


    No I'm not turning on my pc unless I'm trying to fix it. I was making a fake gt on xbox.com and when I went to tipe in the gt somehow I managed to tipe my whole passsword for msn and hit enter. So I had to giro my sisters laptop to change my passwords. ******* hate stupid hackers who like to play internet god
  5. jmdalmighty


    Link plz
  6. jmdalmighty


    I need help I think I have a bot in my pc is there anything I can do I have alredy done virous scans with kaspersky but it isn't comming up with anything
  7. It's looking good but all we have is con modding it will be like when halo was popular 1-2 years max that's alot of time but we need but we need to figure out something like we had for halo2
  8. Unless there super l33t and have unductable ones but that's like 10 people altogher
  9. Looks good hopefuly seing my tools up soon
  10. Wow epic fail at waste of jtag mine just keeps on dying:-(
  11. This only effect hosters and no hoster hosts on their main account so it makes no diffrence to any one iw can't do shit cause they didn't beta test ther game is broken yet they still **** over they're loyal customers by reskinning a map and charging $15 give modding site the tools and we would relise much better shit then them any day a little of topic but **** iw
  12. It's cool I has odst + I'm grounded so I can't play anywa
  13. I can't use it but + rep for not being a whiny little kid and tryin to sell it
  14. No trust me just wait it out on chill out on what ever u whr doin cause thell be watchn u
  15. Rly I don't know what to say people are making aios so what's the big deal if you don't like it don't download or make negative comments on there posts. End of
  16. jmdalmighty


  17. You both have the wrong idea
  18. true that
  19. Not rly as they have not finished the game so it's not a fail. Also if someone is just having fun and desicedes to recod it I doubt it for prase so no need to be flamming someone for something they haven't done something wrong
  20. Bungie has ruled out the possibility of it ever working on a Call Of Duty game - or any other Activision-owned IP - despite its new 'alliance' with the publisher. As we reported last week, the developer has entered into a ten-year exclusive publishing deal with Activision for a single IP; the studio's first since Halo. Both parties have recognised the special relationship, dubbing it an "alliance". However, Bungie has retained the rights to the IP - and full creative control. When CVG asked if Bungie would answer the call should Activision ever ask them to get involved with its biggest owned franchise, the studio's community boss Brian Jarrard said: "No. We have no interest at all in working on anybody else's intellectual property. Realistically, the scale and ambition of what we hope to achieve with our own IP for the next ten years can only really happen if we have the full might of the entire studio working on it." He added: "After spending the last ten years working on somebody else's IP, when the studio became independent back in 2007, one of our core charters in our constitution was that from now on, we would own what we create. Working on somebody else's intellectual property is just not interesting or compelling to us at all." The likelihood of Activision asking another studio to give some assistance to the development of Modern Warfare 3 is growing by the week. MW developer Infinity Ward has lost over a third of its staff this year - with many defectingto Respawn Entertainment, the EA-backed studio set up by sacked ex-IW bosses Jason West and Vince Zampella.
  21. Slip he's just showing what he has done no need to be negative
  22. What u arnt makin any sence whn u connEct to ur 360 does it start all right can u access the hardrive?
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