Available June 3rd ! For 1200 MSP or $15 From IGN: Carnival â Desolate amusement park with excellent vantage points for snipers. It's "unlike anything we've ever done before," said Bowling. The map takes place during the daytime and includes all original art and model assets. Bowling added that the team really wanted to include this in the first map pack, but the team needed additional time for polish. It's a fairly large map and includes many set pieces, such as roller-coasters, a fun house, and bumper cars. Trailer Park â Contains tight corridors and condensed areas. Very maze-like with obvious choke points. In context of the game, this map is the living quarters for the people who run the Boneyard level found in Modern Warfare 2's singleplayer campaign. The Boneyard will be viewable in the background. Fuel â Completely unique from the other maps. The setting is an oil refinery and is split into two sections. One area is wide-open for snipers and the other half is a large warehouse with tight corridors. The final two maps, Vacant and Strike, will both be getting a slight visual upgrade as well as small design changes. These two maps are already available to play in Call of Duty 4.
He will not get banned it's just like playin modded Nazi zombies there's no way of them catching him unless there's a bunch of filed reports. And whare as pimping tylers code post goes it's decent there are much better ones releced and moddifing your code post is not hard.
you cant make kvs if this friend is an online friend youre about to get ripped of my friends there are other lobbies out there who will be cheaper held by more known people who have better mods dont do it waste of time
It depends what you want to do you don't need any new cables unless you want to host lobies which I strongly suggest you don't do. If you want to mod games I suggest you buy an external hardrive if the 360 didn't come with a harddrive. If it came with a xbox360 hardrive you will need to get a transfer cable but I highly suggest you get a external hardrive about 8gb a game so depending on how many things you will have on it a 250gb harddrive should be cheap and have suffient memmory.
^^agreed^^ anyone whom breaks the rules is getting suspended whare as the beta goes I haven't played and I'm not dieing so make another account it's avvalable to even silver members. And if you were so valaubale you would not have been suspended in the first place
It's Based of the cold war and Vietnam it is made by trayarche and if you want more info google "game" it's a uk gamming store and they have all the official information.