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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. fonts good. but i need effect
  2. Kurrupted Ninja


    http://i50.tinypic.com/2rwkfx1.jpg [img=http://i50.tinypic.com/2rwkfx1.jpg] text is a little bad
  3. thats kinda sad. my story is i have ADHD and have a twitch in my neck.
  4. Kurrupted Ninja

    New sig

    its an eye lid tato my friend did that to her eye. Lol
  5. forgot to add this. but here is the song. this i like. it got to the "BOOM" when it hit the text TechTUTz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22fiCbNYhMY
  6. this is not good. the text is not in place and i wated the static channle in the background to zoom in and out and have a echo. im still trying and going to learn some tutorials. Another problem is that its not full screen well here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE7IoDx-RiQ - GR4Mz7
  7. give me gamertag. ill complaint
  8. there are ways to mod your gamertag but it will change back to the normal gamertag after next login. and modding gamertag = BAN
  9. i have never saw this mouse. is it in stores in canada i want this or iphone :|
  10. thanks. ill look at the parts tomorrow
  11. Kurrupted Ninja

    PS3 ID's

  12. i said photoshop was intresting and not amazing. but gruntmods was helping me pick a computer last night. so im going to have to wait. if not then its this one and i dont like finger painting :|
  13. well im going to be using the mouse and keyborde most of the time. i just find the apps on the computer fun and worth it i just used photoshop on it a while ago and was intresting. and from the grapics card it has close specs to my laptop. also a 20" is huge for me because i work in a small workspace keep giving me reviews please im still tired. only got 4 hours last night
  14. allright i have everything now. thanks
  15. ok i have been talking to people for over five hours about this computer here is the link to the computer http://www.bestbuy.com/site/HP+-+TouchSmart+All-In-One+Desktop+with+AMD+Athlon%26%23153%3B+II+X2+Dual-Core+Processor/9563171.p?cpncode=24-9224399&srccode=cii_7240393&skuId=9563171&ref=16&loc=01&id=1218125018659 ok i choose this computer because it has a 20" screen and is $900 i like the touch screen because i could use it for lots of things - + - 1 - photoshop 2 - Neat Apps 3 - Not Glichy moving stuff around 4 - Has keyborde and mouse. - - - 1 - Touchscreen hurts hand after a while 2 - mouse gets laggy Another problem i see when people are talking to me about the computer havent really tried the computer (store demo dosen't count). im using one right now. but its not mine. lots of people said that this computer was bad. so i want your reviews and see if its worth it thanks GR4Mz7
  16. My sig? and thanks peaches
  17. yes i got 20,400 now
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