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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. i agree. with this. there is too much restrictions in games like invisible walls. and customizing should be like paint jobs for gun and vehicles. i don't want to go on the computer and mod a map over and over just to play it again they should make us the game devs
  2. This Sound Consumes The Moon says: ~stabs mystery~ how is every1? (: Nex says: im goodz gramz says: *oh no get scared* This Sound Consumes The Moon says: thats nice nex ^-^ gramz says: i..m g..oo...d This Sound Consumes The Moon says: thats good gramz ~gives you a cookie~ ^-^ gramz says: YIPPY *eats alone in corner* This Sound Consumes The Moon says: o: Nex says: *steals gramz cookie* This Sound Consumes The Moon says: O:!! ~steals the cookie that nex stole from gram~ .-. gramz says: oh hells no This Sound Consumes The Moon says: o-o ..... Coool preson... says: - gramz says: wait i got cookie back YAY This Sound Consumes The Moon says: ~whispers~ hey nex lets play chicken in the middle with the cookie? .-. Nex says: *jumps robert no* This Sound Consumes The Moon says: o: Nex says: *i just wantz a cookie This Sound Consumes The Moon says: o: ~gives you gramz cookie~ .-. gramz says: *pulls out a box of OREO cookies* This Sound Consumes The Moon says: OH YOU THINK YOU BAD HUH?! ~pulls out a box of oreo CAKESTERS~ gramz says: Damm i got owned This Sound Consumes The Moon says: pwnt... yes you did... ~pats your back~ you'll get me next time =/ gramz says: *pulls out shot gun and shots everyone* ..... Coool preson... says: lol Nex says: *gramz stops it now i know were you live* This Sound Consumes The Moon says: ~dodges~ o; o-o ~looks at nex~ >.>... gramz says: *get scared and hides in corner cutting himself* Nex says: i do* This Sound Consumes The Moon says: oi oi Nex says: *muhahaha This Sound Consumes The Moon says: gramzz ..... Coool preson... says: ru gramz says: Y.es. This Sound Consumes The Moon says: ~takes your sharp objext away~ no cutting o; Daniel is... has left the conversation. ..... Coool preson... says: gramz says: OH NO This Sound Consumes The Moon says: EVERY1 I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOU ALL gramz says: k ..... Coool preson... says: ok
  3. i have lots of these, one time someone lit these on fire and put one in the sink
  4. what if i dont want to :I
  5. wow that was easy. i should have hidden it in the helment
  6. everyone says my room is so messy. but i like it messy. lol
  7. I forgot to add this this is where my door that doesn't close . lol funny how my room is messy until i saw quinns http://i46.tinypic.com/dynfk2.jpg lol. you win if you can see the pedobear
  8. thanks for this. im going to try when i get my game back from my friend
  9. lol yes
  10. My closet tilt you head side ways to see . lol http://i50.tinypic.com/16j33wn.jpg This is anther side of my room i put there when im not using it http://i47.tinypic.com/2eb9xkn.jpg This is my bed (bunkbed) i use the top for a storage http://i47.tinypic.com/2s01lbl.jpg and last is my desk for modding http://i50.tinypic.com/2upw968.jpg
  11. This Is Something i made when i was borde. ENJOY http://i49.tinypic.com/2rw2u6r.jpg three hours to complete
  12. I'm flexible enough to do that. lol i can bend all the way back and not hurt myself
  13. wow this sucks. why is BS a b****
  14. i dont think anyone mods halo 3 anymore
  15. wow i posted this one my other account. you should close this because we got doob e snakes mod
  16. great. illl test this later for the site
  17. i watched bill Nye the science guy in class a lot in grade five. lol
  18. i don't understand. what is this
  19. done. im willing to subscribe to anyone
  20. Post Your Song With The Ending In My Pants Ex : I Gotta Feeling "In My Pants" Song - I gotta A feeling - black eyed pees
  21. http://i45.tinypic.com/sm62hh.jpg
  22. New one with double monitor. looks awesome and im running vista with an windows 7 theme http://i48.tinypic.com/35jcah4.jpg
  23. New pic http://i46.tinypic.com/9hj1vr.jpg extreme 72 hour glow stick Boo YAY
  24. Thanks. im going to see what lockon makes as well.
  25. i saw a lot of pikmin on this site so i would post this http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs36/f/2008/286/1/8/Pikmin_Day_Gif_by_pikmin789.gif Snip Snarg
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