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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. http://i763.photobucket.com/albums/xx274/KNJA7/adhycdsgfv1.png
  2. Im in love with that computer <3
  3. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/nomkn/avatar-body.png
  4. im back. good to see the site again
  5. i want to make your room mine
  6. mwf 2
  7. damm ITS AN ACT
  8. 6.5/10
  9. looks good. whos going to get it?
  10. just bought it
  11. http://cdn.smosh.com/smosh-pit/072010/warningsign-3.jpg
  12. lol`d at justin and magan
  13. Rapture - Bioshock Twilight Town - KH2 the last word on KH2 - KH2 new mombasa - Halo 2,3,ODST
  14. damm. i thought is was the guy tape to the ceiling. with pillows growing out of his belly-a its too bad im a caterpillar
  15. yes i noticed. i said it to and i dont see a problem with the background tilt. maybe tilted to much. but thanks.
  16. http://i49.tinypic.com/1qs410.jpg some spots are bad. and the large rock is not great. and roots are off. need to fix that. the landscape http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs16/f/2007/175/4/b/River_stock_3_by_Cat_in_the_Stock.jpg
  17. wait. why a dot. well i got two of them so no worry and my xbox 360 is 4 years old
  18. http://i50.tinypic.com/2l95ded.jpg all made by me. and volita is my new name i think its better than what i had before when i started lol http://i46.tinypic.com/30a6maa.jpg
  19. the new 360 slim and gears3 .
  20. when you install the mappack the files are in folders and are easily found. .map can be dragged out
  21. you need to have the dlc for halo 2. then the files will appear
  22. from fallout 3 i got one as a friend. but he died in a trash can
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