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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. sure ill upload the picture once my camera is charged and its not that distracting. i just don't like it
  2. did that still didn't work
  3. ok so today i turned on my computer and my larger monitor had this static transparent line running up in down the screen now i don't know of any damage that happened to the monitor last thing that happen was the VGA cord was un plunged before i went to a friends house, not i took out the cord and put it back in and all that stuff but still didn't work i need help
  4. ?
  5. http://i50.tinypic.com/2hxa9s2.png minnor changes
  6. awesome wish we could make robots
  7. or me. i just saw and stuff happend
  8. http://i49.tinypic.com/sxglnb.jpg
  9. next time no hints and he knew the song allready
  10. dont worry. im going to have another one next week
  11. Here is the pic of the card. un used http://i47.tinypic.com/6z7slh.jpg to win the contest you must find this song on youtube and give me the link http://gr4mzcontest.weebly.com/ find that song in the background Merry Cristmas card only works in canada
  12. Kurrupted Ninja

    PS3 ID's

    MrScRuFfLeS i think thats it. ill check later
  13. Maybe you should get a HP desktop
  14. yay new sig for me http://i47.tinypic.com/rh30i0.jpg
  15. thanks. i keep ketting that but i dont know what you mean. as in font or something eles
  16. your welcome here is the link to the image http://i49.tinypic.com/15dbfol.jpg
  17. what i have it a laptop with two monitors it fine i can get parts for it but if you really want a good computer follow randomrockets tutorial and make one much better
  18. neat might use this when i feel like modding
  19. My First One Made -for bro http://i48.tinypic.com/71mz68.jpg Second One Made - for my girl http://i50.tinypic.com/2jebeao.jpg Third One Made - for me http://i50.tinypic.com/211qbme.jpg Fourth One Made - for my girl again http://i47.tinypic.com/2aio4yp.jpg NIN STO SPA LALA - made for me again #5 http://i45.tinypic.com/5v7myv.jpg Six One Made - Me http://i50.tinypic.com/b7jivl.jpg Seventh One Made - Me http://i49.tinypic.com/fns9hv.jpg Eight One Made - For Reaper222 http://i49.tinypic.com/15dbfol.jpg #9 - made for soto on MG.net http://i49.tinypic.com/2yy5935.jpg
  20. i agree with decatur
  21. well i have 64bit and it works fine for me :| i don't know
  22. whats the problem. ?
  23. ill try and find you a win7 64bit one. i have a vista with 64bit EDIT this is what i found for ya http://online-share.org/download/photoshop+windows+7+64bit+rapidshare.html
  24. its ok. my room was messy like yours. then i cleaned mine
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