i want tthe floor the same as the wall and peaches i would like the link to the download. thanks. im busy right now and dont have my photoshop so thats why am asking ,
i need some stuff for videos and such these are the things i need - adobe after effects portable ( CS4 ro CS3) - someone to make me a gray wall with nothing in the room. and faceing it straight Ex - http://www.trypo.com/trypo/gallery/007/wall.jpg - need it to be blank and white and grey please - good music from newgrounds.com (audio patrol) thanks
this is my favorite song right now this week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7XZiK3fxXE Favorite Quote - Life is beautiful, but it's complicated We barely make it We don't need to understand There are miracles
here are the tutorials in using got them from GFXskool.com http://www.uploadsonline.com/images/7kern87i538ziv5eoqk.jpg http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss159/imsicnasty/halflife.png http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs42/f/2009/088/b/b/Tutorial___Old_Skool_by_Bartosss.png http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/1520/tutorialm.png http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/9882/tut11xz4vu3.png your welcome like the sonic one and the first one