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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. i want tthe floor the same as the wall and peaches i would like the link to the download. thanks. im busy right now and dont have my photoshop so thats why am asking ,
  2. this is helpful to people that still mod halo 3 maps nice job for post
  3. left 4 dead 2 drangon age x8 1400 MSP clothes watch $25 subway card PJ's windows 7
  4. im gonna sell some Junk for $1.50 .
  5. Techno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wjpQG9e9xA
  6. i need some stuff for videos and such these are the things i need - adobe after effects portable ( CS4 ro CS3) - someone to make me a gray wall with nothing in the room. and faceing it straight Ex - http://www.trypo.com/trypo/gallery/007/wall.jpg - need it to be blank and white and grey please - good music from newgrounds.com (audio patrol) thanks
  7. ok thanks random. and peaches close this please
  8. looks nice. could i get the C4Ds please.
  9. i found the secret pikmin ctrl + - untill the page is small and you will see a pikmin
  10. i fixed the problem allready i just hit Ctrl + Alt + Space bar + key?
  11. yes. i can upload the background for you if you want? and too monitors. one is smaller
  12. Kurrupted Ninja


    i know freewabs have been doing that. or you can bye it off somone and ask for the code
  13. New one. oh boy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT-UEvMrbck
  14. m3rry chr15tm4s
  15. Fixed
  16. WTF thats messed.
  17. ok so this is my problem. i hit somthing on the keyborde and when i go to edit a word it deletes the letter ?
  18. i got clothes and video games. and windows 7
  19. this is my favorite song right now this week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7XZiK3fxXE Favorite Quote - Life is beautiful, but it's complicated We barely make it We don't need to understand There are miracles
  20. very nice. wish i knew how to add mappacks to xbox or 360 and what this song. its some kink of clubbed to death remix
  21. those guns are so deformed
  22. highest kill streak ive ever got on MW2 is a 37
  23. got mine with my trusty magnum and its pretty good and also got some kills with the MP5K
  24. lol i get it. because i posted that
  25. here are the tutorials in using got them from GFXskool.com http://www.uploadsonline.com/images/7kern87i538ziv5eoqk.jpg http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss159/imsicnasty/halflife.png http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs42/f/2009/088/b/b/Tutorial___Old_Skool_by_Bartosss.png http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/1520/tutorialm.png http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/9882/tut11xz4vu3.png your welcome like the sonic one and the first one
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