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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. WTF im canadian b*tch why don't you want us to get it?
  2. LOL cheat activated
  3. oh dead god why is it so small.
  4. WAX http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Bee-wax_candle_pretends_to_be_Barad-d%C3%BBr.jpg
  5. i dont think so
  6. my girlfriend loves anime + zombies so this im going to show her
  7. i think its possible now to mod the 8??? now saw a couple post in google
  8. IS THAT A FAN and that computer is small
  9. add me i can set you up MSN: gr4mz7@hotmail.com AIM: toxicpixle@aol.com
  10. i think its bungie. i heard this on X-Play
  11. I also Agree
  12. UBer Lolz
  13. hey halo 3 how do you get the .xex maps from the beta
  14. nice. going to try this out and whats with b1ackrain. never heard of it
  15. ill try this onmy jtag when i get home. hope it works
  16. oh i thought. the legendary was an xbox. but it comes with the spartens. i will just get special EDIT: nvm. read the details. im getting legendary oh when dose the full game come out
  17. skulls are granades i think and you can get Armour enhancements like bubble shields or trip minds i heard it on x-play. also the Armour customization looks amazing
  18. cool i have to try this on my jtag. and i can see real time would be painfull
  19. i have worked with this tutorial. but when it came to replacing to leds around the guide. i burnt one out because the led is about this big : = : very hard to work with SMD
  20. could you email me the emulator and links and a tutorial on how to set it up. thanks
  21. nope sorry that won''t work
  22. ok i have a jtag and im wondering how to get the killtrocity mappck on it. i know there is ways. but im not sure how. i google'd it and didn't get much. so if anyone has got this to work please leave a link or add my msn and help me live gr4mz7@hotmail.com
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