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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. got it http://th01.deviantart.net/fs32/300W/f/2008/219/b/d/____purple_girl_____by_larenn.jpg http://th01.deviantart.net/fs32/300W/f/2008/219/b/d/____purple_girl_____by_larenn.jpg
  2. i would like a new sig please i want a anime character in it (girl) and purple and black for colors. and my name in the bottom left corner - GR4Mz7 Thanks
  3. EMail : GR4Mz7@hotmail.com thanks
  4. Connor - get an xbox Quinn - when are you getting your new xbox
  5. Updated. all icons removed to dock http://i46.tinypic.com/2ekpyzc.jpg
  6. i help everyone on msn when they ask. and i have saw some people here doing it.
  7. Im not banned yet. and i don't understand. your console got banned and then you plugged your unmodded one and it got banned?
  8. http://i33.tinypic.com/inwxlf.jpg thats me.
  9. Hear is mine http://i37.tinypic.com/i2lu04.jpg
  10. i have been using the program called youtube to ipod converted and it is much better than any other youtube downloader i used. this is the download Download i used it many times and it works great on my ipod touch
  11. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Toxic%20Pixel/avatar-body.png <--------- This Is Me Gram http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Toxic%20Pixel/avatar-body.png < ----------- and last is Toxic Pixel
  12. you can do that. well i like this account. so merge MODkid into GR4Mz7
  13. well. i need 17 more rep for my MODkid account. ill sign into that one and make tutorials. really want to use this and your CS4 program.
  14. im sorry for asking but what dose bump mean. im new to this forum stuff
  15. +Rep
  16. thanks very much BTW im MODkid
  17. this should work. only if the people are still stupid
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