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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. hey itz me. i got windows 7 and i wanted to post my desktop. its only showing one of my wallpapers but there are 20 going at a cycle 10sec at a time im am impressed with windows 7. http://i50.tinypic.com/2d1oak4.png
  2. ill join. im might quit untill im 16 or older dont worry grunts i changed my mind im staying
  3. i used itunes and went to the store and look for the top 20. then i would go to youtube and search the song and use this site to get my song for free Video2mp3
  4. i like the way you came up with thouse names. im also looking for a name the relates to pictures like pixel gradient stuff like that. thanks curtis
  5. i like soccer and making GFX i like playing COD online and making jokes Music - screamo / techno / ???? text is green because i like that
  6. ok im tired of my username and i want to change it to something related to computers and im really bad at choosing names so im going to ask for your help could it be related to computers and GFX and something crazy or funny thanks -GR4Mz7
  7. when you say new era do you mean the next generation of modding? BTW: the only things ill be doing with computers is : facebook xbox live GFX homework Modding <--- has died to me now |:|
  8. im done with modding as well. but i will be on the xbox 360 till it gets old. im on the computer to much
  9. was it necessary to make a thread asking this. you should ask this in the chatbox next time
  10. i haz 942 ptz
  11. Kurrupted Ninja


    wtf his start bar is backwards? my max icons would be around 10 and i never knew their were anime games for computer "link Plz" Hmm
  12. kk someone else flashed the drive for me so i can't do that now :| can someone make me a disk and ill buy it off ebay
  13. k thanks ill use PNG. and i like that text :|
  14. yes i have a flashed drive on my xbox 360 but the only thing i don't have is a kreon drive or something to make the back up disk do i need a kreon drive to preform the mappack
  15. my cool icon i made for my video as a watermark http://i45.tinypic.com/2ec3z35.jpg .JPG so it has transparent background all made in paint.net and photoshop
  16. hmm i have band width and only have 20GB a mounth so im going to have to download like 3 parts a mounth EDIT: also i have no idea how to get this on my xbox 360 :| could someone make a tutorial or give me a link to a tutorial Thanks
  17. ill add some dragon age stuff if you want i got two of them im just going to upload them later
  18. it was an awesome movie
  19. http://i48.tinypic.com/o90bag.png
  20. so close. they are all perzs. this one was allmost nice http://i45.tinypic.com/mlku1v.jpg EDIT: lol my photo is messed up LOL
  21. that is kool but what is it for. and maybe it is shoped we will never know
  22. ive have asked for 2 years on how to put the killtrocity mappack on the xbox 360 but didnt get a answer yet
  23. im not allergic to anything. and only had a hard time when i was young because i was super hyper and was a pain. i was a little retardted to LOl. but know i just here things diffrent (Ex. Dogs - "Logs")
  24. COOL not thats how you save money
  25. Its only 10:15 AM. 2009 not new years yet. but when it is happy new years
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