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Kurrupted Ninja

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Everything posted by Kurrupted Ninja

  1. there is only one way to get MSP get money and pay for it
  2. 2 / 10 of the people that send you messages for lobbys have a jtag and the other 8 is a scam
  3. get drivers. thats what i had to do for 10 of my things
  4. i think its called nubs google it
  5. its going to be epic. when dose the beta come out anyways
  6. i shall report his gamertag i have four accounts
  7. Kurrupted Ninja


    ta ha ha thats awesome
  8. jezz that looks like puke my god
  9. all the profiles on your xbox. i have 7 A Cheeseburger - OFFLINE BEnerdKLUMBER - OFFLINE Cloudy FlapJAKE - OFFLINE Merkin SnU SnU - ONLINE (NEW) miichael iz pr0 - ONLINE Ora 67 - ONLINE Toxic Pixel - ONLINE (main)
  10. sure but i don't have $70 dollers on somthing that i don't like. but if is safer than ill buy one :|
  11. so i want to mod my xbox 360. i have the materials for the mod. i saw this video on how to mod you xbox 360 with leds i watched both videos. now i want to know where to solder the negative and positive wires to please help TUTORIAL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ__MeXLWpw&feature=channel this is my xbox now http://i46.tinypic.com/w6v9ld.jpg
  12. agree just do some jobs or something around where you live
  13. Kurrupted Ninja


    NO U!
  14. went through a bunch of tweaking to make my computer look good. http://i49.tinypic.com/2d7ftwn.png
  15. would have looked nice without the green lines across
  16. http://gickr.com/results4/anim_79f4dc44-15c5-13b4-613f-c3440a56c36a.gif i made this into a GIF image. i thought this was funny
  17. i think the song is cool :| "sigh"
  18. haha that aweomse. where can i find that
  19. im learning how to do it the dlc way
  20. ok i downloaded the killtrocity mappack v2 and its already an iso file now i only have one DVD+DL so i dont want to mess up. now what do i do to know its safe and how do i burn it?
  21. thank you very much i am very appreciating this help BTW i was looking through my old hard drives and i found this an hour ago. its the killtrocity mappack v1 http://i46.tinypic.com/4vsaya.png its in folders and that with the modded maps tomorrow im going to download v2
  22. woah. how do i patch it ? and thanks peaches for the download. this is such big help. please keep helping me Thanks
  23. Get a flashed Xbox. [done] Compile everything into an ISO. [how] Burn to a DVD DL +R. [got one] Play. [waiting to do that] ???? [?] PROFIT [what?]
  24. i have a goal and i play to complete it my goal was to get the killtrocity mappack and play it on my xbox 360 i have tried many times to play this mappack but the one thing that is really disappointing is that i asked for help and never got it now this is my final attempt to get it. i found this download https://win-serv.net/xbox-files/web/Default.aspx?act=view&id=181 and im sure that it will work also i want to know how am i going to get it on the xbox please help me. i have been on this goal for 2 years
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