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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/IMAG0002.jpg the hallway outside my dormroom... not much to look at lol
  2. bro that's not even cool. I know they shoot each other... there looking for a non existent army of terrorists. they are bored. just don't call them fags, that is disrespectful and I don't think you should be saying that stuff.
  3. http://www.swiftlydoesit.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/pomegranate.png the pomegranate
  4. lol what 70k total for the canadian military?? is this compared to 1.5m in USA?
  5. decatur you follow PhillyD??? gah jessica nigri is majesty
  6. your a grey! update fail, but I'm sure peaches will get it working again I logged on and the cbox told me this. I don't know if this helps at all Guest : (Today, 12:50 PM) Congratulations, you have successfully installed IP.Shoutbox! Now you need to setup the shoutbox permissions in ACP -> Members TAB -> Manage User Groups -> Edit a Group -> IP.Shoutbox TAB nopermission
  8. RETIRED FTW!!!!!!!!
  9. those are fake.... 360's must have 3 red lights on for it to be real
  10. played trumpet 11 years now im in college getting a degree in teaching music. i'd like to say im gettin pretty BA at trumpet now
  11. i have sprint and my parents can read my msg's I tell them hey, your not gnna wanna read half of it so dont do it to yourself. yes some cell phone companies can track each individual txt message. and usually they can track picture messages too. there has been a big problem with "sexting" where i live so a lot of the high schoolers got in trouble for it
  12. blacklabelfosho


    Scary_lil_boy add meh. i usually just play CoD4 or playstation origionals
  13. http://www.pcworld.com/article/140583-5/the_15_biggest_tech_disappointments_of_2007.html thats all you need to know
  14. have to use SP to MP before trying to run as multiplayer. if not the map will still try to pull from singleplayer_shared.map
  15. your welcome. i can haz +rep for my comments on his pages :D seriously this kid sings numa numa in every fking video... that song is so old... wtf?
  16. try pee'ing on the drive. usually works great for me
  17. she made out w/ my pee pee does that count?
  18. Give it a bath. scrub thoroughly with SnoBol http://content.etilize.com/Large/11961520.jpg make sure you use this, it is the best cleaner for holes in your motherboard.
  19. lol. wont make a difference. dont have crap delivered. you still have to sign the paperwork for them to hand you the items. if anything have the items delivered to an empty house and chill inside the house the day the crap is supposed to arrive. this is called tresspassing, but hell... if your using someone elses bank account to buy shit, why not go all out w/ the illegality. kids don't do thhis crap. you WILL get caught
  20. thx for your guys support lol. i broke three ribs. damn drunk drivers owned the fk out o me sister freaked. bc they said i had C-Diff and they thought it was going to be MRSA. i am in quarantine but i will be okay. walking in a couple weeks
  21. its called make a backup. yeh you lost all ur saves. way to go.
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