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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. 5 years in the making. great job peaches
  2. blacklabelfosho

    Nintendo Wii U

    the controller is gnna be as expensive as the system with all those features..................... : /
  3. i will go to an E3 one time in my life I swear it
  4. 22 lol. thanks for calling me old
  5. yeh i saw a guy who did this and it worked for him. I penny tricked it first, and it worked for about an hour. then i cold booted it the next day and had 0102 so i super heated the cpu and no the gpu and left it open like this and it works everytime since. will post back in a couple days if its still working
  6. well i got error 0102 .... ("0102: Error in the "Digital Backbone" (CPU/GPU/RAM), this is usually caused by a cold solder joint between the GPU and the main board.") for some reason after i super heated the cpu and not the gpu it can work while the dvd drive is separate from the rest of it. so i have a working 360, just looks like a dinosaur lol xD http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0111.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0110.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Mobile%20Uploads/th_VIDEO0027.jpg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ video click to watch
  7. http://www.rssahoops.com/diamondthrower.html
  8. thanks i dnno why i didn't think about torrents faycepalm
  9. I've googled around and all the free ebook sites i find dont have books that are new. I'm wondering the best way to find them. here is a book im trying to find. The Hunger Games http://www.pdf-search-engine.net/the-hunger-games-pdf.html this doesn't work :/ but it's the closest i've found to maybe finding it ...
  10. dev servers were awesome to play on bc everyone was hacking ! it was like back in h2 days where everyone was showing off different hacks to each other. but then they got shut down :/ lame
  11. banned for having an old as sig. get with the black ops nub
  12. HD 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. who still plays halo2 xD nerds
  14. well they already took down the hosting of the file, but if anyone is interested i still have his jailbreak on my laptop
  15. welcome ! hey can i ask how you found out about us??
  16. i do have a question about this. when you take apart the 360 there are some very long pins that have sensors on them. if you don't put them back in the right spots and make sure they are tight enough the 360 will just continue to give error messages. how do you accomplish keeping the sensors from triggering error codes and not using the screws that connect the top and bottom parts of the 360?
  17. http://rebug.me/?p=304 let the sharing of psn dlc content commence
  18. uses stem cells.. thus illegal. this is an awesome post though
  19. they released a new ToS like yesturday.... i didn't read it bc im a tard, but im sure there was something added somewhere in that 166 pages about custom firmware
  20. yeh but 360 softmodders just used exploits to manipulate the software. geohot can write his own software and sign it with sonys signature and run it. so really any source code he writes can be run on ps3.... see why its a big difference?
  21. <3
  22. yeh. and they have nothing on him. did you read the court cases? they are saying that his jailbreak is the reason why people can pirate games on the ps3. but as he said when he first released the jailbreak. (it doesn't have any level2 pkg resigning software enabled!) so there is no way you can pirate any games with his jailbreak alone. other hackers like team fail0verflow, KaKaRoTo, Waninkoko, graf_chokolo, Hermes and Kmeaw are the reason why piracy is now possible. sony jumped the gun and sued the wrong guy. if they would have waited for the piracy to be running rampant and strategically sued the right person for copyright infringment then they might have a case but instead they are idiots and this is the reason why console hacking will become legal and more and more prevalent as the years go on. bring it ps4 and xbox 1080 or w/e you wanna call yourself. (*** wii btw)
  23. i just cannot stand the over-the-shoulder shooters...
  24. Console(s): PC Favorite Game: Final Fantasy 7 Do you mod it?: Only to increase the graphix Do you play online or offline?: offline
  25. hackers have already found a way around this serial thing. they can wipe their history. so this 7 day thing for rentals will be unlimited for them
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