assassins creed was terrible game. i only picked it bc i've seen the halo render used so many times in so many different ways and this one didn't impress. the sin's creed woulda been better if you wouldn't have done the bubble wrap filter
thank you gabe. I'm gaining more and more respect for u lol. anyways. great start quick. skinning and the mods are lookin majesty. really like the ghost look. start doing shader swaps . those always made me cream in halo2 mods ;D i just have 1 question... is modeling possible ? haven't downloaded any of these h3 modding programs to look around. no reason to. im never going to be able to mod halo 3 anyway. im not going to buy a dev kit. i got my fancy xSata and thas all i need thank you again gabe_k
she was a pure bred husky. she died of heart failure. added a border... you like? here is origional i also have a lab he's a black lab though. i like it. wanted a fresh painted look trust me this has about 75+ alterations done to it. not just a simple gradient and smudge
don't get a mac!!!!!!!! get a dell inspiron 9400 thas what i have. 17' screen majesty for gaming, i got the upgrade wireless package and dual ram chips. costed me $1200 but that was 4 years ago when laptops where super fking expensive
does the crackdown disk have the beta .maps on it? if so you could just extract those and inject it into one of your full version of h3 files? like overtop of one of the maps now? replace one of the dlc maps and play the beta build of the maps from crackdown on your full version of h3? or just replace one of the other maps. rename it the map you want it to be then resign? that worked in h2 modding. dnno if it does in h3. worth a try.
GOD DAMNIT LITTLE FKING KIDS! every god damn topic turns into a flame fest. $%#^%# QUIT IT. nice mods JIME. glad to see that h3 modding is happening. just only for the few people who got the money for a dev kit. admins please close this to stop the flaming.
i never met this guy much on the cbox... or anywhere else. but i will say good bye because I don't see a point in flaming a guy/girl i don't know. (p.s. the guy/girl thing isn't a dis, i just don't know which you are.)
yeh. remove the intro and credits videos and it gets really small. its really simple. the raw dump i s really easy to make. ftp into your xbox on your computer. check your d: drive. pull off the fonts folder and all the maps folders and stuff. put em all on your pc. make a copy of it. take out the .bink folder.(intro and credits videos) and all the campaign .maps. create iso of the whole folder burn it to dvd+r. love me. fin.
what you can do is make a .iso that doesn't have the campaign .maps either. it will be about 4.4 gig's. thats how i didn't have to use dual layer disks. i didn't wanna spend 12 dollars on 3 disks
add the backpacking script i never got around to trying it out. sword looks cool, did you change the size of it? or just edit the effects on it? looks like you picked electric. been a while so i might be a lil off. skin the map!!!!!!!!!! make the crystals on the needler same color as the pp burst that it is shooting so it looks more natural
i lost all of mine, i was in the 2000's. now im in like the 300's lol its bc all our posts were rolled over from the old site, but the new site doesn't recognize that.
your talking about he blood splatter expert who also kill's murderer's right? if so i love that show. i have all the episodes on dvd. its teh majesty. season 2 sends shivers down any sane person's spine
download Audacity. its free find the youtube video song you want as an MP3. click record on audacity. then switch to the youtube page and click play. once you got as much song as you want. stop recording on audacity. and save as MP3. ive been doing this for a LONG time. he just found a program that accomplishes the same thing there are many other programs that do this. Sony SoundForge can also be used in this way. just records your speaker output and it can be saved as an MP3