they are called diabolo's lol mine don't have bearings inside them so mine really suck to try tricks with. don't live in the UK so i cant find stores with these things so they are hella expensive for me so i can't buy the real nice ones w/ bearings. if u look up videos on youtube all those guys have bearings inside theirs thas why they can do hella awesome stuff.
Okay i got into this a little while ago. basically a huge yo yo that isn't attached to the string at all. uses friction paired with centrifical force to stay on the string.
"My name is Katja Puschnik and I would like to appologize [sic] for my behavior. The puppies belong to my grandma and she told me to get rid off them because they were only 3 days and they were ill. They had parasites from their mother. I didn't knew [sic] exactly what to do so I thrown [sic] them in the river because it was a short death. I did not want to make them suffer. I am really sorry for this:("
I am a computer lab proctor at my college. basically i sit on my butt in a computer lab to make sure people aren't on porn. easy job - easy money - time to do my homework - jealous?
shutter island was really boring to me. inception was awesome though. quick question though. if no one could touch your totem, how could leonardo be using his wifes the whole movie. another is shouldn't they have been old people during the train part? can change the LED's of the different zones on the laptop to any color on the color wheel as well as pulse w/ music or just morph between multiple colors Changing your power plan for the alienware is also a separate process from the video card change. overclocking is majesty scroll speed and all mouse config stuff. facial recognition software. facial recog on login/ at all times. if i leave my laptop it will automatically log off. if someone else gets on my laptop it will log me off and log them in on their profile automatically
you cant play any good games. there is no buttons. its gnna be all arcade style games like the wii. M$ is goin downhill. the masses want to play sh!t like that but HC gamers still stuck w/ controllers unlike the wii and the ps3 who have made remotes that are used with the cameras.