gruntmods first of all the fact that cell phones messed with the wii and NOT the playstation move proves that wii is still sad. and second of all they were playing on a regular sized monitor and it was just being cloned onto the large projector behind them
are you kidding me? nintendo was so boring i got up and left. the zelda presentation was a huge failure. the wiimote had a malfunction bc of interference of some sort. how lame is that? only keynote speech that was worse than nintendo was ubisoft and their attempt at somehow trying to say that lazer tag was a VIDEO game. the game is a waste of time its just a calculator that counts who shot who and how many lives were lost..... how is that video at all. and then ubisoft brought out this fker with pink hair and somehow tried to pass off a breathing game ............... breathing game...................... as a GAAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL YOU DID WAS BREATH WTF IS THE POINT. anyways. Sony's presentation showed 4 different games that are going to be released IN 3D as well as 2d. the 3DS is a joke. the only reason why they can say that you dont have to wear the glasses is bc they put the film over the actual screen......... kinect looks good but im afraid with no controls means less things you can actually do. if there are no buttons there are only a certain set of moves that the camera's can keep up with. notice no NoS in the racing game. how did she speed up and slow down? how did it know to drift? yes having no controller at all is great but i think it limits the things the games can do. dood in the middle is me. god i love Captain Morgan spiced rum
sad i got RRoD. damn towel trick stops workign after a week. so its really annoying maybe ill try and find a copy, maybe steal a friends this will get patched pretty quickly though... just like every other mod
Old Dorm room Home Sister's xbox that i pimped out Will update new dorm room when I get back there from Christmas break
I did this in high school. wasn't the program called Interactive C or some sh!t? I remember I went to a competition called Botball or something like that. the robot we made had to stack cups that where in a grid form, while the other robot was on the opposite side