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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. lol this is the dumbest idea sony has had since trying to sue George Hotz.
  2. http://xeraxic.com/softwarew.html there are some broken img's i think on this page right under app download tracker
  3. ill be adding some stuff to the playstation area. (already got the 3.55 jailbreak on there )
  4. I like it. and lol on the csi section
  5. stop looking at porn and you wont get viruses
  6. lol wow nov 2008 was the post before yours xD peaches i got a chameleon chip for my xbox . but blue means unsafe and red means safe on mine lol xD. always lit up blue
  7. thats what combat training is lol. it lets you play against bots offline lol. no its has a separate rank for combat training compared to online. there was a glitch when the game first came out where you could use your rank and make yourself prestige in multi-player if you could in combat training, but they already patched it.
  8. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/IMAG0085.jpg combat training is a joke even on veteran, and yes. chopper gunners and gunships were used. still veteran though
  9. 4:54.... threw a knife at a harrier
  10. http://pomegranatephone.com/ http://www.desinformado.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/the-pomegranate-phone.jpg
  11. In conclusion, our results strongly suggest that cure of HIV has been achieved IN THIS PATIENT.
  12. i personally find halo reach pretty boring too... i find myself going into team sniper matches and only no scoping just to force the fun... but it just doesn't have the same fun that h2 had...
  13. lol this is old. there is some real kinect hacking there
  14. i don't really enjoy reach either.... but black ops single player sucked HC too
  15. i not understand the concept
  16. when wasd goes wrong you get esdf
  17. just like every other "TAP OUT" T-shirt wearing tool tats on his arms and all he's got to get heated about is a video game. what a poser
  18. liked xD i listened to their video. they need to pick a style for clothes first of all lol 1 semiblack kid w/ a jerycurls. 1 super emo'ish kid. 1 black chick wearing....... and super a blond music really just needs some sort of depth and stop the autotune o and tune the ooooooh's in the chorus. they are just gross sounding good side. video was very well shot. couple blips in the actual video but very well thought out scene changes w/ the music a4e2e55e-5bd2-48ea-a929-104bb56e55d71.03.01
  19. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/jason_lioh/jason/HighScore2.jpg meh the game gets monotonous after this bc it stops counting......
  20. yeh this game would be much easier if i had a mouse. playing on a laptop sux xD
  21. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Untitled-10.png no i win
  22. 12670 get the birds. double score
  23. fk bungie pro...
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